I’ve gotten feedback from friends, family, foe and unidentified readers alike that some of the information I report is too hard to follow: just too much like work (consistently, I might add.)
People have day jobs, they don’t follow this stuff closely, hummada de hemmada, life is short and then you die. Now I do feel somewhat bad about that, but as I explained in a few series up to this point-particularly the longer ones-some of this stuff is not understandable without the background details-evidence-the sinks and sources, links and nodes.
I did become aware of that in putting together the “Pass The Decoder Ring” series written to expose the information operation ongoing with the letter crew (LGBTQAMOUSE++.) If “they” sense you are “on” to them-they switch tactics, terms, and “trigger items” for their “peeps” that can be baffling to try to keep up with: you’re welcome!
It is not my habit, mission nor desire here to lead the witness to my conclusion-which is why I have taken to adding the backstories as links. These articles are long enough without attempting to provide total documentation as one would do in a book.
The reason AFNN provides the comment section below the article is for this type of feedback (like-Hey Max, I think your logic is flawed and I can’t get there from here in this story….) I like to think I still have a little bit of an analyst inside me after all these years, but what may be intuitively obvious to me-and form a basis or key part of my narrative-may not be very clear to dear reader…
For instance, it is frankly blatantly obvious-a blinding flash of the obvious (BFO-) at this point to me and for those who have had the time and been following these stories that when Jack Smith empaneled the Grand Jury in DC-a friendly jurisdiction to his cause while hostile and adversarial in every way to Trump-vice where he should have-in Florida, he no doubt believed he would be able-with the influence of DOJ’s malleable morals and thumb on the scale-to also conduct the witch-hunt and burning trial in DC.
But the venue is Florida-where the alleged crimes exist and where the jury of peers of the accused reside-and where more importantly, decisions pertaining to admissibility and the sealing or unsealing of documents is approached in a much more balanced manner than has been the case in the swamps of DC and New York.
It shouldn’t be that way-but the judicial system in America is a helluva lot more political than most people-who are skeptics-believe. It’s the way it is-has always been-and will always be until the worst of the transgressions are punished.
My narrative regarding the Stasi State can be dismissed as just so much “conspiracy theory” by the LSMBTGA-if you don’t get the key takeaway here. It is not that Florida is a better venue than DC-that is intuitively obvious-a BFO-at this point.
The key takeaway is that Jack Smith-who-OBTW-was never nominated to, nor approved by Congress for this role-and he is the furthest thing from an unbiased lawyer disconnected from the DOJ to act as a special counsel-but the key takeaway is that if Smith is a lawyer worth his salt-he knew the rules-he should have empaneled the grand jury in the venue where it was mandated to be tried under the law-which has not changed.
But he deliberately chose the more favorable-controllable-hostile environment of DC for the empanelment.
The above point is what often makes those reading at home somewhat frustrated over some of these issues. How would you get the back story on the malfeasance of the appointment of Jack Smith-in the first place-and then figure out what a “crock of toa-” professional malfeasance-it was for him to empanel the grand jury in DC?
And the result of this Stasi State manipulation or legal miscalculation (of the winky, winky variety) of Smith and his DOJ handlers is that he is now compromised and reduced to wringing his hands and attacking the judge, as his scheme in the form of the Stasi State collusion is being exposed to the world-and he is now powerless to stop it…
How would you know this backstory? Why is freedom of the press so important? Why is what CBS did recently in confiscating a reporter’s notes such a big deal? Why is there growing public support for the notion of the “fake news media?”
The LSMBTGA is not in the business of undermining their heroes and leading DTS warriors by outing their tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs:) their job is to tout their brilliance-and root them on!
They have been in the business of touting the strategic mastery of this scheme, carrying the water, spreading the “no Biden WH or DOJ collusion in the BOM trials whatsoever” propaganda to keep their end of the bargain. And get that Bad Orange Man!
Just to somewhat belabor the issue to ensure I fully close on this topic before moving on. Do you think Jack Smith made this decision by himself-and let’s be specific here-to empanel the Grand Jury in the swamp–DC and not in Florida-without the coordination, collusion and approval of the DOJ? I think we can put that item under the “things that definitely never happened” category.
The ramifications of that hubris on the part of DOJ and agent “Smith” translate to the exposure of the Stasi State machinations to produce an approved WH and DOJ charging document that is well explained via the unsealing of their scheme by Judge Canon in Florida.
I hope that is clear-but hope is not a plan-which is why I belabor.
I included the unsealed redacted and unredacted Smith material from the charging evidence in Part 1. There- for all to see- is the WH, Smith’s and the DOJ scheme exposed in official court evidence.
Why would our government want to hide evidence of the supposed criminality of a former president from the public? The BOM has been the subject of all this vitriol, hate and discontent touting his guilt for the past several years.
He was rumored to have nuclear related material that it was insinuated he might sell to a foreign power: Russia-North Korea, lions and tigers and bears-oh my! That BOM must be stopped! One of the things the Mar-a-Lago “raiders” did not ask for: where is the classified nuclear material?
Is there anything more ironic than the Stasi State insinuating that because of all his legal bills that Trump might sell something like this for money-and having the LSMBTG spread that manure?
Is the Stasi State always projecting on their enemies from their own mirror?
You know who has been very relieved, impressed and likely supportive of this effort? A man who does not have any of the authority, excuses or reasons for having such material in even more varied and unsecure places, President Biden. You know who else-Hillary Clinton-stories for another day….
Judge shopping-for instance-for a raid of a former president’s residence over a personal records issue. Do you think they-Smith-DOJ-WH counsel-shared the evidence of the collusion between the WH-DOJ-NARA, with the judge in the case? And-OBTW-we have to add the intelligence community (IC,) the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)-to the list (based on subsequent reporting.)
But of course, the IC would be involved, cause if there is government grifting and collusion to be done, you can count on the IC’s cooperation and support-yes, those are classified cover sheets-yes-that is terrible (and no-cover sheets are not classified…)
If you were the judge who approved this raid-we know who you are-you have some “splaining to do“ or you might want to get a piece of these Stasi State clowns who played you for a “foo.”
You would think a judge of even average intelligence would be reticent in the extreme to approach that third rail touching presidential immunity-even with a mile long pole. Many would have “laughed off” an insinuation or notion that it was NARA (what do they do again???) driving the Stasi State “clown car” with a credible charge warranting a raid: like, do your worst! But we are in Stasi State-and BOM time…
Much like the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court warrants-where lawmakers have passed via the 702 process “cut outs” or procedural methods that rely on integrity and ethics within the DOJ and FBI for due diligence (hahahaha-how is that working out for you?) Which have proven not only inadequate-but a mistake based on malfeasance by these agencies as evidenced by going after political enemies with sham cases and manufactured evidence.
Is it any solace the DNI reported that some 280K illegal searches were “inadvertently” done against American citizens by these rogues: 280K? Or that-for instance-not only easily debunked lies about Carter Page-but deliberate lying on the FBI case file presented to the court that failed to mention Page was a cooperative source for the Central Intelligence Agency vis a vis Russia-a fact the CIA reported to the FBI as part of the case file…the FBI not only lied about that fact, but the CIA never wondered how or why Page was all of a sudden producing “two-hops of intelligence gathering information…” for IC consumption going after BOM.
To close out with a summary, I earlier focused on introducing and explaining the Biden Administration Stasi State in the context of ongoing political actions and lawsuits. With an intro to the term of art as evidenced by information Judge Canon unredacted and unsealed in the Trump trial ongoing in Florida.
The story details the scheme whereby the DOJ-Smith-used detail in charging documents to make the case for action and then redacted it to cover-up ongoing collusion between the WH counsel, the WH Office of Records Management (ORM,) the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) General Counsel, the NARA Archivist and Inspector General (IG,) and discussions with President Trump’s Presidential Records Act (PRA) representative.
With DOJ working with and providing guidance on the specification of acceptable charging specifications for the NARA IG to produce for Smith and the DOJ to use to get WH approval…
I’m going through-and you likely have as well at some point-insurance claims for hail and water damage on our house. You have to know and understand the lingo, the jargon, the right terms, phrases and descriptions in order to stay within the bounds of approved coverage-it is not intuitive by any means-it requires a lot of collaboration.
It is collusion of the highest order when the Biden Administration WH, DOJ and the NARA IG are collaborating to produce output from NARA that DOJ will approve and act upon, that the WH will support-to go after a former president and chief rival in an upcoming election.
In truth that doesn’t make Jack Smith a scumbag, but rather a lawyer doing his best to make it worthwhile for the government to pursue this case.
But it does indict everyone above Jack Smith-from the President on down to his DOJ-right back to Smith-and NARA-who would have to chop on these tactics, strategy and scheme. Supported by the good old “IC.”
I think it tells you that Trump has something that hasn’t been found and returned yet that the Deep State swamp does not want unearthed-disclosed-viewed by the public. My speculation is it involves the Iran nuclear shenanigans, Ukraine malfeasance with the coup in 2014, Paris Climate Accords-or any of the stories behind the scenes of the “scandal-free Obama administration…”
Two questions to close on: Do you think they did this without WH-President Biden approval? Is there any credibility left to this notion that President Biden and his administration had nothing to do with this Stasi State action?
Just look at these documents being unsealed.
LSMBTGA: Lamestream media echo chamber (LMEC-L) social media (SM) big tech tyrants (BT,) government (G) and academia (A)
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