It’s About Taxes- Not the Climate

In the 1660s, Britain imposed what became known as the Chimney Tax. This tax was created in part because Britain was attempting to enlarge the tax base, which prior to this had largely been based on property taxes paid by the landed elite. The land-based tax system was tricky, because the landed elite could easily organize and engage in tax revolts against the Crown. Therefore, the British government moved to enlarge the base, not only by taxing the number of flues in each chimney, but taxing a host of other items, such as candles and coal.

The experience of Britain is the experience we are about to face once more. Despite having almost every imaginable tax under the sun, our greedy “betters” are demanding more.

And they will get that through an expansion in new taxes called “subscription fees.”

Many folks today realize that “climate change” is a scam. But I don’t believe it’s the scam many think it is. It’s not about taking away your car, refrigerator or HVAC. Rather, it’s about creating a fake crisis to force you to pay a subscription fee to use those items… year after weary year.

Microsoft 365 is the envisioned future. To use the most recent iterations of Microsoft Office, one must pay a subscription fee. Currently, consumers can get around this by either using an older version of Office, or by using a substitute software suite, like Open Office.

But the “internet of things” has the potential to change all of that.

You have a refrigerator connected to the internet? Prepare to pay an annual fee for the software to keep it running. The so-called “kill switch” for cars being imposed as of 2026? That’s not so much about limiting your travel to fight global warming as forcing you to pay a subscription fee to keep using it, above your annual tag fee. Is your HVAC connected online? That too, will require a subscription fee to keep it in tip-top shape to “protect the climate.”

Indeed, this is possibly the most critical reason why globalists want you to rent everything, from cars to clothing. It brings in a steady stream of money from you, the 99%, to them, like Bernie Sanders, the “One Pucent.”

Opponents of the “internet of things” are focused on the privacy issues. And while these issues are real, I really don’t think that’s the bottom line of the elite. For the elite, the bottom line is what they always care most about… easy money. Currently, the frugal can avoid spending money on many things, concentrating on the essentials of life. But once everything goes to the “internet of things,” you will be forced to pay, Pay, PAY. You will become a permanent renter.

While I do not have a “smoking gun” to prove this, if history is any guide the goal of all of this climate change nonsense is not about forcing you back to the Stone Age.

It’s about expanding the tax base and taking even more of your hard-earned money… again.

Russ Rodgers has several books published on Amazon.

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2 thoughts on “It’s About Taxes- Not the Climate”

  1. I have a smart thermostat that I can control from my cell phone. I do like the fact I can set the temperature up to 76 when we’re out for several hours, then as we’re heading home dropping it down 74 again. I’ve noticed recently Honeywell has been hitting me up with a service that allows them to control my temperature settings, so when there is a shortage of power, I get to be patriotic. Every time it pops up I immediately deleted it. But it does make me wonder when remote control patriotism won’t be an option anymore.

  2. I started to go down that path. It took me little time to figure out who was in charge, a bunch of damned crooks trying to control everything about me. It’s easy for me to say about anything prefaced with “Smart” this, and “Smart” that, the end result is a dumb idea.
    We still have appliances made in the 80s and early 90s, the AC is R-22 charged and the only thing left that is supposedly “Smart” is the stupid iPhone buckled to my hand, but it is more and more being left at home, I say by accident, but I just happen to like my peaceful quiet rides in southern Kentucky around all the farms with no interruptions. I feel closer to God. That’s all I care about.

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