If you haven’t seen it yet, Flynn the documentary is a powerful story where in the end the good guys survive to fight another day. Which might not seem like enough to many. But that is a great victory in consideration of what it looked like at one point-how bleak things were-as the Stasi State built momentum.
You should view it for yourself. I would like to send a copy to many of my former colleagues and friends who have bad mouthed and talked down about patriot LTG Mike Flynn-including-and you know who you are-my former friends from military and civil service who bad mouthed him and called Mike a “traitor.” A continued pox in your general direction for being intellectually lazy, incurious, and acting as a tool of the left: tooey on you!
In the end the DOJ and FBI pure hubris, criminality, lies and illegalities came out. The conclusion one comes to from the viewing is that of surviving to fight for another day, a fight that must include full accountability for the culpable, public disgrace-at a minimum-and retribution: in the Army we say that payback is a b word or an m word.
You can’t help but come away with an intense hatred for the deep state and the people we elect to office who are supposed to be holding them accountable: they certainly are not accountable to us.
The documentary is a story about a corrupt, out of control government hell bent on neutering a man whose jock they were not qualified to hold. But the real story is about honor, family, love, faith, sacrifice, and the triumph-by way of perseverance-of good over evil: truth over lies.
I’ve flapped my gums through some ~190 articles or more up to this point for AFNN. I’ve been dogmatic and touted hate and discontent in many for some of the serpents, jerks, criminals and just plain dumb butt Richards in our government.
Some may confuse my vitriol as being anti-government: that would be a gross over-simplification and mis-read. Not to tell dear reader what to think or believe, but a question I would ask if seeking a clarification on why so much hate directed at our government-from somebody who spent most of their adult life working in the military and civil service-is why?
Watch Flynn and you will experience my “why:” lived experience in the swamp is life changing.
I’m a big fan of the 5Ws and H (who, what, where, when, why and how.) You can’t get to the bottom of something without these elements.
When an opponent has a tell at the table, you just enjoy, observe, and go with it. So-why did Obama-the president of the United States (POTUS) of America-warn the incoming POTUS Trump about two people: North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un-who was saber rattling, launching missiles, threatening nuclear attacks and testing submarine launched ballistic missiles, and that other apparent huge threat to America, retired US Army LTG Michael Flynn?
My reaction about the reports of Obama’s warning (I was still in the government) was “that low-life, conniving, scheming, community organizing rat basswich:” just imagine, the threat to America of patriot Michael Flynn.
Never mind all the lies and collusion Obama had his administration make up and invested in with his LSMBTGA colluders for the Russia Collusion Hoax: but not Putin, Mike Flynn!
I digress but the one thing the documentary does not well portray is the service and sacrifices of Michael Flynn for this country. It is covered at a high level.
But nobody can appreciate how folks like GEN Stan McChrystal, Mike and special operations forces supported by our exquisite military revolutionized the act of finding, fixing, targeting and killing large-and small-scale pockets of scum bags and maniacs hell bent on killing our military, civilians and citizens overseas. Aided by the Iranian Quds force-Qasam Soleimani-at a time when Obama was playing kissy-face with the Iranians.
Obama’s warning turned out to be a harbinger of things to come-insane, clown posse stuff-where up was down, right was left, wrong was right, children could be murdered after birth, dudes would compete with chicks and be celebrated, our government would prop up our enemies, our border would be open and our cities devastated by a massive influx of illegals, our president would be impeached twice for nothing, a summer of riots-looting-burning-mayhem-murder-with no accountability-with nobody punished for any of it, followed by a collusion led by congress to railroad Americans intent on voicing displeasure over an anomalous and stolen election.
Where a president running for re-election got the most votes in election history-and was beaten by mail-in ballots and thievery-losing to a man who campaigned from his basement and was a public embarrassment throughout-yet managed to get over 80M votes: really!
We would soon find out about the danger Mike Flynn represented to Obama’s lawless coterie of sycophants, schemers, liars, criminals and oath violating “thugs” as they went full Stasi State on Flynn and upped the ante by also going after Mike’s son.
The saddest part-from the standpoint of being necessary-and best part of the documentary-is how Mike’s family and loved ones pulled together, and how American patriots rallied to support he and his family in their darkest hours. Some of us with money, many of us with support, many more still with letters of encouragement, prayers and well wishes.
It is no less than amazing that the Flynn family made it through this ordeal relatively unscathed from many surface level viewpoints, while being scarred for life just below the surface from the standpoint of America, her values, faith in the principles of our republic, and the notion that right makes might in the end.
It’s tragic that our government-starting with Obama-and our institutions-particularly the DOJ and FBI-were tested-and came up wanting in this Stasi State criminal act.
I say criminal act because the collusion to get Trump at any cost-which continues as I write this-is a “play” on the part of the Stasi State swamp and these specific events are mere acts in the larger scheme of things, like battles in a war.
At no time since Trump entered the political scene has our government reflected the constitutional legacy bestowed upon us during our founding to distinguish us from heathens and failed nation states around the world.
When the Stasi State is after you with the full corrupt might of the US government, the only antidote-the counter to the lies and collusion of the system-is to fight lawfare with lawfare-and it takes gobs of money: because the Stasi State does not care about the truth-they control it-and they must be compelled by the force of law-or the point of the bayonet-to release it.
They look for the truth they need. If they don’t find it, they make it up. They finesse and modify records of interviews (302s) when and as necessary to solidify their lies. They redact embarrassing information and petition the court and friendly judges to seal it to keep it from the defense, citing concern for sources (themselves) and methods (often making crap up whole cloth.)
When necessary, they pull mafia tactics against family members to prod the main target to compromise and plead. They press for venues where impartiality on the part of a jury is not possible. They bury the inconvenient truth and engage the LSMBTGA to spread the manure they are peddling until they cement the narrative being pushed.
In the case of Flynn they pushed ties to Russia-“he sat next to Putin,” the fact that he was an unregistered agent of Turkey-which-last I checked-is a NATO Ally, they made up whole cloth a lie about him supposedly spooking around with a Russian “honey pot,” and they made up a story about him discussing Sanctions with the Russians.
In the case of the FBI-serpents-Dir James Comey, his corrupt Deputy Andrew McCabe, and his oath violating team all the way into the bureau down to his Counter-Intelligence lead Peter Strzok and legal advisor Lisa Page, as well as DOJ reps like the “willing to do what’s needed for the team” Sally Yates, our supposed first class FBI created a story to slime Flynn and sold it to the public-first-and then the Trump administration.
Vice-President Mike Pence and Chief of Staff Reins Priebus stand-out among these other government gangsters and criminals. All Pence had to do is what any decent human being would have done in this situation: review the evidence being offered against Flynn. Show me the facts!
It was too much to ask of any deep state swamp creature to provide Mike Flynn the benefit of the doubt, notwithstanding his life-long and distinguished history of service to this nation of over three decades of military service.
Trump was ill-served by his team in this instance, as even a cursory look at the available documentation the FBI should have provided/offered-such as the actual transcripts of the surveillance of the Flynn and Sergey Kislyak call, the record interview of Flynn (the FBI 302-which was not finalized for weeks and was edited by Lisa Page to apparently “tighten it up”,) as well as the deliberations within the FBI that did not come out until much later in the kangaroo court, would reveal all manner of stinkage, collusion, malfeasance and lies on behalf of the DOJ and the FBI.
A boss savvy about the ways of the Stasi State swamp would have insisted on evidence-the only person on scene that fit that description-was Pence.
The FBI knew Flynn was innocent, and they were on the verge of dropping all charges when Strzok pleaded for one more gambit. The FBI had the verbatim transcript of the calls between Flynn and Russia’s Kislyak that debunk the notion that Flynn ever mentioned the word “sanctions.”
Yet Mike Pence took Sally Yate’s word for this supposed Logan Act issue and never apparently bothered to investigate the facts for himself.
VP Biden was the one who originally came up with the dinosaur act (Logan Act) violation scheme, which Yates thought had legs. The other egregious violation-typically more valuable from a smearing and propaganda standpoint than any substantive crime- was the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA.)
A quick thought on these two-shenanigan laden bullspit ideas. Flynn had been announced as the Trump National Security Advisor and was operating pursuant to that position. Accusing him of the “never prosecuted early 19th century Logan Act” was akin to accusing a zookeeper with “messing with the animals.”
While the FARA act violation was a total farce in that Mike was contracted under a larger contract (as a sub-contracted entity) to provide security expertise to Turkey: he was not contracted by the Turkish government and was not a foreign agent by any stretch of the regulation.
Which begs the question: How did our crackerjack DOJ and FBI not know that little FARA tidbit before they went after Mike and his son? Well, they did know it. And how did the DOJ prosecution team and Judge (Emmit Sullivan) not know it before they blackmailed him into pleading guilty to prevent the not so veiled threat of them going after his son (who also was not guilty of anything?) Well, they did know it.
A slight detour here, but name four or five nations that might go after an innocent man by leveraging his family in a case where there is no crime? Did you include the US?
But more importantly, how is it that his high-powered representatives from law firm Covington and Burling-with partner Michael Chertoff-did not know this-did not debunk this, did not approach the government with the absurdity of it-and more importantly, how did they allow their client to plead guilty to avoid the made-up liability for his son-who was part of Mike’s team-when there was no FARA Act violation that was committed?
Mike’s crack law firm had him submit the FARA paperwork-just in flipp’n winky-winky case, rather than pointing out it was not necessary-making him appear guilty of allegiance to a foreign govt-which was leaked by the government and trumpeted through the nation with the help of the LSMBTGA…
A wrong that would not be righted until he fired his original law team, brought on Sidney Powell, which eventually led the DOJ under Barr (Jensen) to look at the case: and found it appalling.
Flynn had been a target of the administration for months before any of this surfaced: Obama warned Trump about him because the Stasi State was already up to its neck using elements of the intelligence community (IC) to go after him (Trump,) with a plan to get Flynn in the drive-by.
Why was he such a threat to Obama as to be in a category with a potential nuclear weapon slinging maniac dictator? Obama knew long before others that Mike was the only person in the new administration steeped in the black arts of the IC and savvy enough to track down information and out the Obama administration liars and criminals through the opaque crags, catacombs, syncs, sources, nodes and IC septic tanks.
We sometimes see these threads or associations depicted in movies-murder mysteries or serial killer chases. The Flynn documentary has the mother of all thread-based analysis references and key events depicted on a wall: it is massive, shocking and glorious (for us intel analysts…).
Now how did Flynn and his team defeat the Stasi State?
30 May 2024
LSMBTGA: Lamestream media echo chamber (LMEC-L) social media (SM) big tech tyrants (BT,) government (G) and academia (A)
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