The Romans understood this concept two thousand years ago, and used it to forge an empire. The incomparable Roman legions would conquer a region, execute the leaders by lining them up and executing every tenth man, where the term decimate originates., Then Romans would be put in positions of power to impose Roman laws on the tribes. The new leaders used ridicule to overturn traditions, respect for the former leaders, the native language and religion. They knew that to destroy a culture, the language, religion and traditions of the people had to be replaced by a mindset loyal to Rome.
The Romans knew they would never convert the captured leaders, so they concentrated on the next generation, the young, to replace the old ways and replace them with Roman ideas. And it worked. Mush heads (those most easily influenced by catchy slogans) know no time, and are present in any age. From the Roman Empire to the present day United States of America, the unthinking and the unknowing are unleashed on society.
I read comments all the time from people wondering “what has happened to our country.” We used to be a more moral nation, but we have become a people who cater to the lowest common denominator in our society.” It is true, but it is not really a mystery to those of us who can look beyond the current situation.
All these things have existed in human society for thousands of years:
Rape, murder, abortion, homosexuality, pedophilia, incest, greed, political corruption…none of these things are products of modern times. The great difference now is that the Christian church, the prominent church of Western Culture, no longer holds the line against these abominations.
Where the Church used to take a strong stand between right and wrong, between protecting the weak and disallowing the strong to lawlessness with no controls, between what was always considered moral in our culture versus outright immorality, that time is slipping away.
There is no longer a definite line between right and wrong in the secular society of the United States and Europe. Christians and the church have backed up, retreated to the demands of the secularists until there is hardly any difference in the attitudes of the two groups. Look at how the sexual perverts in society, who only wanted to be legally married, have corrupted the social fabric of this nation with their in-your-face pride activities, that have led to transgender insanity, people thinking they are animals, and the continuing advance of pedophilia as acceptable in society.
Prior to and during the American Revolutionary War, freedom from tyranny was preached from the pulpits across the colonies. Ministers lead their congregations in vowing to overturn the tyrannical rule of the British in the colonies. These ministers intrinsically knew the value of freedom for a society, and they were not timid in their approach to the people. They knew that unless we were free from the chains of government, we would never be free to worship in peace. They led their congregations in the pursuit of liberty and justice.
After the War, the church was the stabilizing element of the new nation. As the settlers expanded westward, the church went, too, civilizing the new territories with its preaching of the moral codes of Christianity. This insured that the teachings of the great Christian founders and leaders would be instilled in the citizens of the new land. Not everyone followed these pioneer ministers, but the majority did so that the ideas of right and wrong, decent and indecent, acceptable behavior and forbidden behavior were the founding stones of communities, territories, then states.
We had warrior ministers and priests then, men who did not back down when society tried to overturn the teachings of the church. It was always a battle, but the majority of people stood with the doctrines of their forefathers.
That no longer seems to be the case. In my own lifetime, I have seen this nation lose touch with those principles that held us together as a people, and the behavior of the secularists and atheists have made great inroads in our culture. While conservative speakers are banned from churches with threats of revoking tax status, cretins like Hillarity Clinton can go to black churches and claim that she is “no ways tard.” Al Sharpton and other race hustlers do not have the boundaries that conservative speakers face when it comes to church speeches.
The church has backed up on so many things that I don’t have the space to list the transgressions. The very worst crime of the church is that we no longer have warrior leaders overall. Most preach a ‘gentle Jesus, meek and mild’ and advocate that we follow that example, which leads to taking a back seat to the wrongs of society.
Franklin Graham is an example of a true warrior minister, but the press and society use ridicule to tear him down at every available chance. People like Joel Osteen are more to the liking of people now, someone who tells you to feel good and act nice and you will be rewarded with the riches of earth. My good friend, a daughter of a Baptist minister, calls Osteen and his ilk “Jesus lite,” for their messages are more about feeling good than leading a moral life.
Take a look at the entertainment industry for the best example of the baseness of our society. The culture of rap music, with its glorification of murder, sex, and mayhem has done serious damage to our children who are allowed to listen to what I can only describe a pure garbage. Movies and TV shows are rarely uplifting, and are filled with degradation, pornography, and violence, and this influences our young when they are too immature to know that this beastly behavior is wrong in so many ways.
Look at the way most people dress now, and you will see a people with no pride in themselves. I wonder why some women don’t just shed what few clothes they wear and walk around naked. They are only less than a yard of material away from that anyway, so why bother with that minute bit of fabric. Looking at some of the soft young men in society makes a person shudder to think that that group would ever be called on to defend our nation. I know there have always been nasty people, but they were never in the forefront or adulated for their behavior.
Matthew 10:34, King James Version: “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword.” Until the church and moral people once again adopt this message, the line between ‘right and the world’ will continue to lessen until there is no line at all. Ridicule of our culture will have destroyed our nation as the leading Christian nation on earth, just as surely as Roman ridicule destroyed those native cultures, two thousand years ago.
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Alma, thank you for this great diatribe. Every family tree has been infected at some level by this rot.