OK Democrats, Now What?

Okay, so the debate between Donald Trump and the most awesome Joe Biden went as well anyone with any gumption (or smeddum as the Scots would say) expected it to. Biden is incontinent, incompetent, incoherent, pitifully out of it, and he performed as sane people expected. All DJT had to do was listen to the garbled content and comment that he didn’t know what Biden had said, and Biden didn’t know either. Pathetic. That was about as much a debate as soccer is football. It just ain’t.

I’ve been waiting, and watching the fallout from those people who just didn’t know that biden was so dreadfully incompetent, so seriously compromised, so lost and bewildered. Who is going to be fool enough to believe that they were that clueless. All they had to do was watch him, listen to him try to speak, and check out his vacant stare, that gets more prevalent all the time. Of course they knew the truth, same as we ordinary folks did, but liars lie, they know no other way. So, old Joe has been presented as just fine, articulate, healthy, able, etc., etc.,etc. Mercy.

Now the great debate has begun, do the demoncrats keep Joe or ditch him? If they ditch him, who gets the nod? What about Cackling Kamala, what will her roll be. Some black women leaders said they would tear up the party is Cackling Not Nice Person is overlooked, which sounds like a fine reason to send her packing, back to the California that she helped set on the road to perdition.

I don’t much care who they pick, or if they leave Joe and Jill and Hunter alone and let them have a chance to continue their treasonous, corrupt behavior that has made them multi millionaires. Trump can beat any of them in a fair election, so it doesn’t matter to me which clown is wearing the democrat banner. They are all heathens who probably secretly worship Moloch and Baal and the Golden Bull anyway, so who fills the slot doesn’t really matter much as far as competency is concerned.

People keep saying that obambam is the real president, but I think he’s just the guy who delivers the messages to biden’s handlers. Obambam was a lazy, lousy, pitiful excuse for a president as far as taking care of America was concerned. He was quite efficient in taking time for golf, vacationing, having parties and grand dinners and sending billions of dollars to America’s sworn enemies. He was just taking orders himself, so why should anyone think that he can now give orders. He’s still just the face of the communists who continue to hate freedom, Christianity, Western Culture, the American way. Except now he has gray hair and his rather masculine wife has not improved one bit, except for a new wig now and then.

We all just have to wait and see what the demoncrat leaders and money people who control the demoncrat party decide to do about ol’ Joe, Cackling Not Nice Person, and the rest of that august field. I feel quite sure that they will pick someone entirely suitable to represent them on the November ballot. Remember, whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. Biden has surely met that mark, but so have a goodly many more with a big fat D by their name.

Biden continuing in the White House is a nightmare of major proportions for America and our place in the world. But this is what terrifies me: what about the downright clueless, head-in-the-sand people who vote for him? How could anyone be that blind, to vote for a man who is clearly living in the twilight zone? “Just because my daddy was a democrat, so I’m a democrat, too,” is one of the biggest copouts to responsible thinking prevalent in this country. If daddy was a con man or an embezzler or a murderer, reckon the dumb democrat voter would feel obliged to follow in those footsteps, too?

Just remember, dear reader, that the average IQ of people in America is 100. That means there are millions who drop below that average, and most are incapable of anything but fulfilling basic human needs. They rarely think, but react to what they are told to think. If they only watch the alphabet networks for news, they don’t have a chance for a balanced view of what is happening in this country and what is causing the chaos inflicted on us by the communists masquerading as demoncrats.

The one saving grace with these voters is that the horrible economy and inflation affect them, too, and if anything will get their attention to the incompetency of the democrats and pitiful biden, it is that bottom line.

As one of my grandmothers would say in a bad situation, “Mercy goodness, gracious sakes.”

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