War for the Win: How to win an election without having one

In 1864, the Civil War still appeared far from over. General George McClellan, a brilliant organizer but less than mediocre field commander, decided to run for president of the United States on the Democrat ticket against war-time Republican President Abraham Lincoln. The “peace at any price” Democrats were divided, and subsequently defeated.

Early on, Lincoln was so worried that he would lose that he pushed to unconstitutionally create the state of West Virginia so as to secure a few extra electoral votes.[1] As it was, Lincoln received only 55% of the popular vote but won a landslide electoral victory.

So, what does this mean for us today?

The current administration, and their establishment handlers, are scared spitless that they will lose the presidential election this fall. Currently, every effort at lawfare to eliminate the presumptive Republican nominee has failed. In addition, the leadership of the Republican Party has been transformed, so the Democrats cannot necessarily rely upon a pliant RINO party leadership to throw the next election like they did in 2022. So, what is there left to do?

Why, throw the nation into war, and follow the lead of Zelensky in Ukraine by “postponing” the November election.[2]

Indeed, I was convinced that this would happen in 2022, as a “Red Wave” loomed on the horizon. Alas, I had not reckoned on the Republican Party leadership throwing that election. Thus, there was no need for such a “nuclear option.”

But this is 2024. The dynamics are different and the stakes couldn’t be higher. We currently have a scenario of popular liberty vs an insular elite of business and political leaders who want to plunder both the nation, and even other countries around the world. To them, it’s about easy wealth without risk, even as they send others to die for their twisted agenda. Recently, the U.S. Army put out a warning order to retirees that they are going to be subjected to recall, while Congress and the Senate are trying to expand the draft, even to include women.  The elite is desperate for bodies to fill the ranks of the military as we try and gear up for World War III.

So, what would our so-called “leaders” in the states do if the President suddenly declared that the threat of a major war meant we couldn’t have an election in November? The Constitution indicates that elections for Congress and the Senate are determined by the states, but for the President it is not so clear, save for Congress calling upon state electors to meet.[3] Would the Congress or the states resist a move to cancel the Presidential election? Would either demand that the election still be held? Would Congress, citing the war, even certify the election if held?

Some might think so. But come now. We are having a serious discussion here.

If this scenario unfolds, we would face the most serious constitutional crisis ever seen… even greater than in 1861.

Russ Rodgers has several books published on Amazon.

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[1] See Article IV, Sec. 3.

[2] The Ukrainian Constitution does not allow the president, after declaring martial law, to remain in office once his term expires. Instead, the powers of the president would pass to the Speaker of the Rada, or Parliament.

[3] See Article I, Sec. 4 and Article II, Sec. 2.

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