Evil originates in the soul (essence, psyche, being). It is evidenced by the postulation that conscious or subconscious remorseless satisfaction is derived from merciless, inhumane acts that oppose G-d. By this definition, is it evil to kill another if one believes he/she/they are about to, or have, committed evil acts? History is replete with evil acts of those claiming to suppress evil. Who was evil: Hitler or the six million Jews he ordered killed; the Ayatollah/hi-jackers or the 9/11 victims; the man who attempted to kill Trump or Trump?
Is the soul part of the brain, the brain part of the soul or are they unrelated? What happens to the soul when the person dies? If evil is malum in se but undetectable by current methods, how do we prevent/control it? We prepare to defend against and to punish evil doers without ascertaining the core source.
We have put humans on the moon, transplanted organs, created the smart phone, developed AI, cloned animals, but we have failed to identify, measure, or locate the human soul. Perhaps we should prioritize research for this purpose. “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!”
Chuck Klein, Columnist, is the author of many books, columns, articles, and stories. Details and contact:https://chuckkleinauthor.com
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