A “Republican” Shooter

In the wake of the assassination attempt on President Trump, the latest attempt to gaslight Americans into ignoring the calls for violence, express and implicit, made by the Democrat Party against Trump, is the incessant repetition of the point that “the shooter was a registered Republican.” While this is technically true, it is also irrelevant. There is a small but vocal group of people registered as Republicans who despise Trump and have scorching cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Among those are Ana Navarro, Alyssa Farah Griffith, Michael Steele (former RNC chairman) as well as Rick Wilson and the other fake Republicans at the Lincoln Project, which STILL claims to support (anti-Trump) Republicans as the organization donates money to other Democratic candidates and William Kristol and his “Bulwark” magazine. 

The poisonous rhetoric of Biden and other Democrats (“Trump is a dictator, racist , rapist , fascist , Nazi and ‘threat to democracy’’ ) didn’t pull the trigger , but it has inspired such acts of violence in the past and most certainly did so here.  The shooter (I will not mention his name as he is currently likely in Hell), had parents of mixed political beliefs: one was a Democrat and the other a registered Libertarian.  Even the evidence of this shooter’s past donation to Act Blue is being attacked as “fake” by leftists on social media. 

Go to ANY liberal page on the internet and social media, type “changing party during primaries” into that page’s search engine and see what you discover.. Pennsylvania is a one party primary state.  Democrats registering as Republicans in closed primaries or voting for certain Republicans they believe to be easier to defeat in a general election is a common tactic used by Democrats and is becoming more common each year.

All of this has led to many leftists claiming the assassination attempt was “staged” by the Trump campaign to boost his standing in the polls.  Of course, this ignores the fact that one spectator was killed and two were wounded in the process.  Of course, leftists continue to follow the guidance of Josef Goebbels that if one repeats a lie often enough, it will become the truth…as they call their opponents “Nazis.” The cognitive dissonance is strong here.

Donald Trump remains the greatest existential threat to the proverbial “deep state” and the far Left.  As I have written in a previous article, I am convinced that the modern Democrat Party would turn American into a one party, post Constitutional nation if given the opportunity.  I am grateful that due to the grace of God he survived this attempt on his life.  Based on the history of  violence put forth by Democrats in recent years (2017 Inauguration, threats to Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings, the BLM/AntiFa “Summer of Love” and an assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh,) I doubt this will be the last such attempt on Donald Trump’s life; I pray I am wrong here.

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