In the George Orwell book “1984,” Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth and his job is, literally, to rewrite everything, bringing it in line with the current & ever-changing Marxist BS emanating from Big Brother, whether it be a document that is a few days old or years old. When a member of the Inner Party falls into disfavor, for example, he is vaporized & his name is painstakingly removed from ALL documents, and everyone pretends as though he never existed. This reminds me of the gaslighting Americans are increasingly subjected to by the Democrats, their Deep State buddies, and their Big Media propagandists. After The Left has re-written reality, Americans are bullied into pretending what we saw & heard did not happen. Pretending Kamala Harris was not the Border Czar is just one example of how The Left is fictionalizing both current events and history.
Excerpt from “1984:”
“The largest section of the Records Department, far larger than the one in which Winston worked, consisted simply of persons whose duty it was to track down and collect all copies of books, newspapers and other documents which had been superseded and were due for destruction. . . Books, also, were recalled and rewritten again and again, and were invariably reissued without any admission that any alteration had been made. . . “
The book “1984” was written in 1949, when current events and history were written on paper and published in newspapers, magazines & books. Indeed, the Era of Television had barely begun when George Orwell published his book. To destroy history, the book’s protagonist and his co-workers had to find books, newspapers, magazines, etc. and physically push them down the memory hole (AKA paper shredder) that was created to eliminate facts so Big Brother (NKA Biden/Harris Regime) could write fictional versions of events and mandate that We The People believe them.
Google programmed their search engine to eliminate the entire history-making event which is the attempted assassination of a former president and the current, leading candidate to be the next president. In the not too distant future, when most Americans who watched the bullet hit Trump’s ear on live TV are dead and gone, this event will cease to exist. Only events that fit into the narrative approved by our overlords will be found in the digital history books.
I know. Google alleges this wipe out of a huge historical event was an “error” and fixed the problem. Because this assassination attempt was a monumental event and it happened just a few days ago, everyone quickly noticed what Google had done. This begs the question: how many “smaller,” less significant, less historical facts have been digitally wiped out because they don’t fit The Left’s narrative? They surely total in the millions.
Google is not the only member of the Ruling Elite who is rewriting history. Meta’s Artificial Intelligence is doing the same thing. Is this a “mistake,” too?
On Monday, Joe Biden traveled to Texas to spew The Big Civil Rights Lie that we have been force-fed for decades. I wonder when these facts will be eliminated from Americans’ collective memory:
Biden Travels To Austin To Promote The Big Civil Rights Lie
The author, Diane L. Gruber, is a First Amendment advocate who writes for Substack. She calls her Substack newsletter America First Re-Ignited.
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