Kamala Harris’s handlers know she can’t successfully debate President Trump three times. They rejected Trump’s offer of a September 4th debate on Fox News Network. They also rejected Trump’s offer of a September 25th debate on NBC. They accepted his offer of a September 10th debate on ABC. Then, they wanted to change the rules THAT THEY ORIGINALLY WROTE, and Trump had agreed to. Just has this article was about to go to press, Trump advised Americans that Harris and her handlers had changed their minds (do they have minds?) yet again. They have flip flopped back to the original agreement. BUT, neither ABC nor the Harris/Walz campaign have confirmed this. I am dizzy. Are you?
Here are Harris/Walz’s new demands.
- Kamala Harris apparently can’t comfortably stand still for 90 minutes so she wants to sit during the entire debate. That brings me to a question that I have had for some time: At age 60, is there something wrong with her legs? Does she have edema in her legs? Perhaps she suffers from some other ailment that the public would notice if she exposes her legs. Perhaps she suffers from an ailment that makes it uncomfortable to stand in one spot for 90 minutes. When was the last time she showed her legs in public? An internet search found two photos, each taken 5 or 6 years ago. THIS is the most important question the debate moderators should ask her! Wink! Wink!
- Kamala Harris wants/needs to bring notes onto the stage. Will ABC give her the list of questions ahead of time like CNN did for Hillary Clinton in 2020? If so, she can just carry the answers onto the debate stage and parrot them back at the moderators. If not, her handlers can give her notes to read off of, pretending to answer the likely questions. She cannot answer questions off the top of her head like Trump can. She needs a list of talking points in order to “answer” questions. Trump has never used notes during his 10+ presidential debates.
- Kamala Harris demands live mics so she can talk over Trump when he is speaking. During her VP debate with Mike Pence on October 7, 2020, both were seated. She repeatedly interrupted him with a canned line something like ‘I am speaking here,’ when Pence responded to her lies, thus pandering to her victimhood cult. Her handlers think talking over her debate opponent makes her look tough, and provides her braindead supporters with a laugh.
Kamala Harris has not been seen in public since her speech at the DNC Convention last Thursday, SIX days ago! Her handlers are keeping her away from the public. Why? We know they kept Biden out of the public eye in 2020 because he had dementia. Why are they hiding Harris?
NOTE: There are six states which begin early voting in September, including all-important Pennsylvania with its 19 electoral votes. PA residents begin casting votes on September 16th. Nine states start voting in October, including swing state Arizona with its 11 electoral votes. If Harris/Walz can hide their tyrannical plans for America until after many have cast their ballots, they have a chance at winning.
Presidential Debates: Will Harris Show Up?
The author, Diane L. Gruber, is a First Amendment advocate who writes for Substack. She calls her Substack newsletter America First Re-Ignited.
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