Let’s Play Bidenopoly!

GDP growth is slowing, unemployment is rising, inflation is eating through personal savings like termites, interest rates are making home ownership impossible, investors are mumbling “stagflation,” voters are miffed, and the Dems have overseen the whole mess for the last 4 years. Now the people who brought us Bidenomics are trying to figure out how to avoid losing voters, while those voters continue losing their family fortunes. Fear not. Kamala Harris came riding to their rescue in Raleigh, N.C.

Speaking to a massive crowd (consisting of about 250 voters, and twice as many MSM sycophants), Cackling Candidate Kamala announced her inspired plan to fix the economy – Bidenomics on steroids. She wants to heal the economy by doing more of what broke it – spending massive amounts of taxpayer money. She proposed spending 1.7 trillion dollars to

  • Grow the government so that it can control all commercial enterprise – only she’s calling it “price control” rather than communism,
  • Eliminate medical debt, by putting the same people that sent two astronauts into space station can’t get them back in charge of our healthcare,
  • Give a $6,000 tax credit to families in celebration of the one-year anniversary of their child escaping the clutches of Planned Parenthood, and
  • Send a $25,000 check to first-time homeowners to entice them into making a 30-year financial commitment which they can’t afford.

Kamala is calling it “investment” rather than “stimulus.” There must have been some focus group testing involved. Apparently neither the candidate nor the focus group participants understand the concept of “investment” – that the investors (taxpayers) expect to get something back. But government investment is a bit like Black Jack table investment. At the end of the night, the dealer (the government) is the big winner.

I was trying to explain how government spending never improves the economy to my grandkids (ages 10 and 13). They were solidly on the side of “Free stuff from the government sounds swell” – just as I’m sure Kamala hopes all voters are. I decided that a demonstration rather than a debate was called for. I challenged them to a game of Bidenopoly.

The game is based on the economic theory of Bidenomics – that government spending brings happiness and prosperity to all. It’s played on a standard Monopoly board, but with a few rule changes.

There is no banker in Bidenopoly, only the government – which handles collection and disbursement of the money, but doesn’t otherwise engage in commerce (i.e., roll the dice or move any tokens). Hence it doesn’t produce wealth, it just moves it around. Naturally, I chose to be the government.

In Bidenopoly, players don’t collect $200 for passing “Go.” Instead, when a player manages to make it all the way round the board without falling victim to the lawfare jail, the government points to his/her/xir pile of cash, shouts “you didn’t make that,” and collects $200 in taxes. The government then gives the player $180 back, calls it stimulus, and bills the player another $2 in income tax for their windfall. Game etiquette requires that the player give the government a hardy “thank you” for its benevolent generosity.

Each time all the players pass “Go,” the property prices increase by 2 percent. That’s the inflationary rate which the government considers optimum for a healthy economy – healthy for the government that is.

It didn’t take the kiddies long to realize that government stimulus only stimulates the government, and they were likely to go bankrupt long before they could become profitable landlords.

Now my two grandkids understand that the government can only give that which it first takes, and stimulus can only retard rather than stimulate the economy. I’d argue that they both have a better understanding of Bidenomics than Paul Krugman does – or maybe they’re just more honest.

I suspect that with every corporate layoff, or 737-esc stock market crash, Cackling Candidate Kamala will rachet up her spending pledge – Bidenomics dictating that bigger economic downturns require bigger stimulus. She’s clearly hoping that voters will want the free stuff, without noticing their pockets are being picked to pay for it.

Note: If you liked my rules for Bidenopoly, you’ll love my rules for Marxistopoly, which codify “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

Author Bio: John Green is a retired engineer and political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He spent his career designing complex defense systems, developing high performance organizations, and doing corporate strategic planning. He can be reached at greenjeg@gmail.com.

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