Looking at what was printed and broadcast, and their previous “insightful” journalism, we need to take a step back and evaluate.
A recent visit by President Trump to Arlington National Cemetery has been brought up with the usual wailing and gnashing of teeth that normally comes forward where the 45th president makes an appearance. Recent accounts are Trump campaign workers and staffers of the cemetery got into a dispute of some sort. The usual suspects (NY Times, et all) claim Trump wanted a campaign photo at the grave site, but that is not confirmed.
I say not confirmed because the sources that are saying Trump used hallowed ground for his campaign are the same ones who swore his campaign colluded with the Russians. Now I searched all during the 2016 election and I could never find one clue of what this “collusion” actually was.
It established a great deal of gaslighting. I asked an associate of mine from Army intelligence (trust me, we just worked in the same office, I’m not Boris and he’s not Natashia), what was the “collusion,” all he would say is, “Asked and answered!” I was learned ages ago in debate don’t raise your voice but reinforce your argument. His was not a good example of that.
The same sources said Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.” They had fifty-one retried “intelligence professionals” sign a letter, with nine others supporting them (but not able to sign openly) But now it’s not, and they didn’t actually say it was “Russian disinformation.” But now they are saying “Well, not’s not what we really said…” Hey, who are you going to believe, them, the “professionals,” or your lying eyes.
These are the same sources that said, “Joe Biden if fine, the Dementia is just a lie put out by the MAGA Republicans” The fact he walks all over the place completely unaware of himself, cannot finish a sentence, or in my favorite, mistakes his wife and sister, is just MAGA disinformation you understand.
My wife is a nurse, and we have two close friends that are retired emergency room nurses. All three have looked at Biden since he came out of his basement in 2020 and said, “One word, Dementia.” Again, the NY Times et all said Biden was sharp as a razor, could handle Putin, the mullahs, even the Hamas attack on Israel (he knows that Bibi just needs to cease fire and let them rearm for a future attack for peace).
Now these same “objective” sources want us to believe that honest, we know Trump was there and started a fight with the staff at Arlington just so he could get a picture for his campaign. Well I did conduct a Bing search (as an aside do not use Google unless it’s for the most insignificant information, they cannot be trusted) and I did find the picture.
Copyright: Yahoo.com
I noticed something looking at the photo. President Trump is smiling with his trademark thumbs up. Do you see who also is smiling with a thumbs up? The family of Sgt. Nicole Leanne Gee USMC. It seems to me they were happy the former president was there. So, what is the issue? The family of this Marine (Rest In Peace) invited him to be with them. And some family members of the thirteen servicemembers who died during the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan were at the RNC criticizing President Joe Biden for “forgetting the families” of these men and women.
If this is a campaign event, I looked on the Trump-Vance website (sent them $47.00 while I’m there) and I don’t see any comments on the visit, nor do I see a copy of the photo. Not much of a campaign photo if you ask me. I also fliped over to Harris-Walz site and didn’t see any comments on the “controversary.” In all honestly didn’t see much of anything there, except a request for money and how to me VP Harris and Governor Walz. No platform, no policy issues, nothing, but I digress.
What got me started on this was earlier this week I saw an article on The Daily Beast stating “Veterans Groups Condemn Trump’s Arlington National Cemetery Photo Op.” The article refers to VoteVets and Veterans for Responsible Leadership (VFRL), the latter they actually called “a non-partisan veterans’ organization” (I almost spit my coffee at that one). Neither of them is a true veteran’s organization, but liberal political groups pushing for leftist causes.
Exaggeration? Both call “climate change” (hey guys, you didn’t get the memo, it’s “climate disruption” now) as a national security threat. That’s a joke when we have an administration trying to arm Iran with nuclear weapons, cutting off arms shipments to Israel, and giving the Taliban billions in US equipment. I found these in the “Pillars of Action” from the VFRL website:
“Engage in and support peaceful protest, while opposing violent protest.”
ANTIFA and BLM terrorists anyone?
Hold Elected and Non-Elected Public Officials Accountable for Operating within the Framework of the Constitution
Have you noticed the Biden administration trying to spend hundreds of billions without a Congressional appropriation? Or allowing an invasion on the southern border? Can we say failing to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” (US Constitution Article 2 Section 3).
Advocate for the right to vote by mail.
No, you have a right to vote. You can vote absentee if you have a reason, such as being deployed with the armed forces. You would think a “veterans’ group” would know that, and that “voting by mail” is just an effort by the left to steal elections.
Veterans know the personal and societal good that comes from being a part of a cause bigger than oneself. The privilege of service should be accessible to all Americans.
No, service in the armed forces is not a right, but an opportunity for qualified people. If you have chronic illnesses what prevent you from physically qualifying, sorry, you can’t serve. That includes mentally ill people who want to mutilate their bodies and say they are the opposite sex they are. You want to do that, fine. Do it on your own time, and your own dime.
But to check myself, I went to the website of two actual veterans’ groups, the American Legion and The Veterans of Foreign Wars. As I type this on Saturday 8/31/24, there is nothing on the Trump visit. I reviewed their front pages and media links, nil.
The point? In my time in the intelligence racket, one of the critical items we evaluated was information. You analyze information and use it to generate intelligence. But information sources must be evaluated constantly to see if they are first reliable, then is the content accurate. Not surprising, we have a method to tank them, with a letter for the reliably, and a number for content accuracy. An “A1” source is unquestionably reliable, and a confirmed source. A “E5” source is “Unreliable and improbable.”
Appendix B Source and Information Reliability Matrix
Army Field Manuel 2-22.3 (FM 34-52) Human Intelligence Collector Operations
Pretty much any current member of the 4th Estate has sacrificed themselves to the alter of the Obama/O’Biden/O’Harris. So they are rated “E5.” Yes, most have been open leftists for years, but this is beyond bias. This is open campaigning for the radical left in this country. For decades major media-controlled information in this country decided what, and more importantly, what was not, “the news.” Thankfully people now know their bias and have alternative sources to get information and make informed decisions.
So in analyzing anything put out on the election, the “Mainstream Media,” “4th Estate,” etc. you must review them for reliability and content. Their actions, particularly since 2016, have shown themselves completely worthless in terms of both. As I explained to a liberal friend who swears by the NY Times (Full disclosure, I subscribe to and regularly read it, as well as the Washington Post, and The Atlantic. I like to keep up on the propaganda of America’s enemies.) says, ‘The sun rises in the east,” that must be verified by at least a dozen unquestioned fact checkers (sorry Polifact, you don’t qualify).
The last few election cycles have seen the fall of the House of Clinton (thank you God), the House of Cheney (stay on K Street where you belong) and the House of Bush (sorry W, but between amnesty, voting for Mrs. Bill Clinton, and pushing to get your nephew as Texas AG, we don’t need you). Hopefully this cycle sees the fall of the House of Schumer, the House of Pelosi, and the House of Obama. As well as the House of Sulzberger (NY Times), House of Bezos (Washington Post) and a few others. Good riddance, you won’t be missed.
Michael A. Thiac is a retired Army intelligence officer, with over 23 years experience, including serving in the Republic of Korea, Japan, and the Middle East. He is also a retired police patrol sergeant, with over 22 years’ service, and over ten year’s experience in field training of newly assigned officers. He has been published at The American Thinker, PoliceOne.com, and on his personal blog, A Cop’s Watch.
Opinions expressed are his alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of current or former employers.
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