SNARK: Should Women Be Allowed To Vote?

Support for Kamala Harris is based on emotion with little reasoning, and support for Donald Trump is based on reasoning with little emotion. My title is tongue in cheek. I do hope none of my readers and listeners take that title seriously. According to recent polls, Harris is ahead with college-educated women. If you are wondering why/how educated Americans could be so ignorant and emotionally immature, listen to us “Get Real” pundits discuss the evening I spent with eleven emotionally immature professional women, Democrats all. If you would like more details about this bizarre evening, below you will find a link to the article I wrote about it.

Click here to listen to our 28-minute discussion.

On September 5th “Get Real” Host, George Caylor and History Professor Steve M. Putney were in George’s studio in Lynchburg, VA. I joined them, via Zoom, from our mountain cabin in the gorgeous Black Hills of South Dakota, south of Mt. Rushmore.

“This election is not Democrat versus Republican, or Left versus Right, it is sane versus insane, it’s real versus illusion, it’s good versus evil, it’s freedom versus Communism.” Professor Stephen M. Putney


Each of our podcasts is broadcast on American Christian Network every Saturday, at noon Pacific Time.

Living Behind Enemy Lines, Tale #13: “Trump Voters Are Evil”

Living Behind Enemy Lines, Tale #13: "Trump Voters Are Evil"

The heartbroken 40-something woman bawled on and off throughout much of the meeting: “My parents are immigrants and they are wonderful grandparents to my daughter. How could they vote for Trump?” When someone asked if she had asked her parents why they voted for him, she replied

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Hillary’s Glass Ceiling Is Dirty

Hillary's Glass Ceiling Is Dirty

Did you catch Hillary Clinton’s speech at the Democrat National Convention on Monday? Like our beloved Rush Limbaugh often said, I watched it so you didn’t have to. Deja vu all over again. Clinton’s speech brought me back to the 1970s when women were fighting for equal rights. We won that fight, but Clinton doesn’t want us to notice. She wants women…

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The author, Diane L. Gruber, is a First Amendment advocate who writes for Substack. She calls her Substack newsletter America First Re-Ignited.  

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