Deep State Swamp: Hold My Beer. Operation “Third Time Is A Charm.” The Assassination of “Threat To Democracy” Donald J. Trump

Desperate people do desperate things when their “gravy train” is threatened: it’s all about power, influence, and Money. Donald J. Trump is an existential threat to the American body politic wealth building methodology of the past thirty years and he cannot-under any circumstance-be allowed to return to the White House.

If the deep state swamp cannot defeat him at the ballot box or jail him or taint him enough to cripple him through lawfare, they only have one option left and it appears they have chosen assassination as the solution.

The entitled class in America-think of them as American Royalty-a relatively new or emergent globalist construct reflected by US politicians holding world views that our Founders absolutely abhorred, given their willingness to give up everything to throw off the yoke of King George-emerged post-World War II but came to the forefront post the Reagan presidency to “restore balance” in the world and leverage the global nature of business to enrich themselves.

JFK was not in government to enrich himself. His motives seemed at face value genuinely focused on implementing policy to benefit society writ large and working to resolve acute racial divisions in our country. Oh, and getting control of the “military-industrial complex” that President Eisenhower warned against.

Now we could go down the rabbit hole of a theory that JFK’s actions reflected an attempt at atonement for his family wealth that was attained through illegal bootlegging and Mafia/Syndicate business, or his duality of being a practicing Catholic but also a philandering equivalent of a male “you know what” (watch your mouth,) but the point here is the sharp contrast to his successor LBJ-one of the most crassly corrupt politicians in the history of our nation who would lead-along with J. Edgar Hoover-the cover-up of JFK’s assassination.

LBJ wormed his way into office (well, the senate) through election cheating via the infamous “ballot box 13” stuffing incident that won him the senate seat at the gravy train and the nickname of “Landslide Lyndon” from there on out. Note that it wasn’t until 1977 that this long-rumored action was disclosed: a conspiracy theory suppressed long after it mattered.

LBJ trafficked in leveraging emerging national policy and legislation to avail himself of regional benefit in the Travis County, Texas-but centered on the Austin area-to carve out his own iron-clad cash register method of control to do “bidness” that ensured a steady flow of capital for his “beak” like some Mafia “Don.” But it all started with his purchase of “Lady Bird’s radio station.”

If you fast forward to Carter, post-Reagan with George H. Bush, through Clinton to Bush the younger, to Obama-Trump-Biden, voters have rightfully disrupted and interrupted the notion of divine right by virtue of birth or perceived political merit to the US presidency.

Look at the wealth that was amassed by the Clintons, Obama and Biden as a result of their stints at the top of the US political pyramid. Myriad homes in expensive and exclusive estates.

The Clintons have an estimated net worth of $45M and income of nearly $250M over the past 15 years. Obama is estimated at $70M but speculated to be as high as $135M, while Biden is a relative piker at $10M.

And-who cares-God bless them, God bless America and the opportunities we all have to become our better selves.

The point to be made or takeaway from the above is these three entered government service as relatively ordinary US citizens and tapped the gravy train of wealth through their service and continue (Clinton and Obama) to “ride that train.”

Any look at wealthy members of congress comes with a caveat that you have a lot of successful businesspeople and entrepreneurs who subsequently pursue public service. But nearly all of the “professional” or career politicians-particularly Nanny Peloozi, whose estimated net worth is $114M and growing, do “very, very well indeed.”

This “royalty class” is adamant and unanimous-the only thing they agree on-that Donald Trump must be stopped from regaining the presidency through any means possible. He is an existential threat to the gravy train practices that politicians have spent nearly three decades establishing.

American politicians at all levels-but particularly those in federal office-have a destiny that leads to power and opportunities that belie the notion of selfless service in support of their constituents and ensures wealth.

If some “Johnny come lately” citizen dares to enter this arena-notwithstanding it is the actualization of everything the Founders strived for-sought to achieve. But if they are fortunate enough to be independently wealthy enough to believe and act as an independent voice in the maelstrom-immune to the machinations of manipulation, and not subject to blackmail and the shenanigans of the deep state swampy government gangsters-aka, FBI, DOJ, CIA and now DHS-that citizen-is by definition-a “threat to democracy.”

I lost count of all the discussions and arguments I’ve had over the last decade or more over two issues: how incompetent or corrupt our government has become in the 21st century, and how our government assassinated JFK. Particularly with the fact that it wasn’t “lone Communist lunatic” Oswald.

My JFK Assassination article series is up to 8 and I have yet to return to it with all the shenanigans and sleight of hand ongoing in this election season. Disturbingly, quite a few still embrace the fabricated government narrative of Oswald as the lone gunman, even in the face of the facts that dripped out over the years that have disclosed the “story” as a made-up, grade “A” donkey dung government cover-up.

Our government-led by the proverbial nose at the point of embarrassment by a plethora of information and fact finding “conspiracy theorists (he cried-)” finally acknowledged that “there was evidence” of an assassination conspiracy. We know there were shots from myriad directions and places, and bullets that did ballistically magical and impossible feats.

One government claimed bullet was found in pristine condition, evidencing no damage whatsoever to the bullet-while being touted as wounding two separate people and changing direction in flight like a UFO: magical indeed!

It took three assassination attempts-that we know about-and collusion on a pretty grand scale to assassinate JFK. The same goes for the aftermath, but the cover-up could not have happened without government leadership and that indicts J. Edgar Hoover and LBJ: nobody else had the power and the position to do the deed.

The reason JFK was killed was the same reason that people get into politics and become corruptocrats along the way: power, influence and money.

Why is the LSMBTGA going after Trump? Simply power, influence and money.

Should Trump win re-election there will be a changing of the guard overseeing every aspect that government is capable of influencing that impacts our daily lives. And more importantly, a diminishment of those aspects where people don’t want or need government help in areas that have seen a plethora of examples in the 21st century where the government is inserting themselves between parents and their children, city/county/state officials and the federal government, as well as local jurisdictions that are meant to determine local issues.

The crazy part of that fact-assuming you agree-is that survey after survey and poll after poll clearly indicate the US public’s dissatisfaction with the state of the state for the top ten issues people-voters-care about, but those facts have not made any discernable difference in our government’s policies, dialogue, actions or plans. From the piece:

Chart shows The economy is the top issue for voters in the 2024 election

It’s like our government has some other master than “we the people,” and that master has more influence and power over our elected officials than the people they supposedly represent: that is remarkable!

Which is why we have not seen the last of the assassination plots against Trump. These “people” in the LSMBTGA will get increasingly desperate as we get closer to T Day (the election of DJT.)

The reality is setting in that we the people-who have been hostage to information from the LSMBTGA like “tethered goats-” have been “unburdened” from the information poverty of the past that fed us a steady dose of misinformation, misdirection, propaganda and a diet of flat out lies about things like the economy, health care, immigration, racial issues/incidents, and October surprises that are like made for TV Hollywood dramas.

The window to debunk a false narrative pushed by the LSMBTGA has shrunk to the point of near-real time fact checking, in many cases on platforms like “X” posting within single digit minutes of the propaganda.

That is disconcerting and disruptive to the tactics, techniques and procedures that have served the LSMBTGA well for eight decades or more as monopolized television programming gave way to ubiquitous access via cable, the internet, social media, and digital publishing.

Despite the knowledge that-in effect-the “gig is up” on broadband and with  collusional daily talking points by the LSMBTGA that are fact checked while the “lie” is still in the air, we’ve recently seen a spate-or perhaps more appropriately-a reemergence of many swamp creatures popping up to bring up some tired old tried and true lies that play to their base and remind them why this a “good versus evil” election cycle.

There are far too many to list from people opening their mouth who have no problem outright lying and spreading falsehoods with the knowledge they won’t be called out on them.

Look at the recent debate where Harris dusted off the “good people hoax,” touted a “2025” policy that has nothing to do with Trump, and repeated the 6 January lies among dozens of other total falsehoods.

A variation of the lies is the scheming from dems who seem to have no problem touting MAGA signaling in the thinnest examples known to man, but seem almost dimwitted about their actual blatant collusion, such as recent comments by Jamie Rashkin about his view of how congress will take action to prevent Trump from taking office because of Supreme Court decisions.

There is also his plan to circumvent the seating of Trump using the 14th Amendment. And then there is his support of Ranked Choice Voting for elections: He is like a one-man insurrection firebrand.

But if there is one example that is an instant classic-and precious-tone deaf example of the “believe people when they tell you who they are”, I submit for reading pleasure the odd recent emergence of perhaps the Queen of mischief-Hillary Clinton-who spread so much Russian collusion manure she could have made millions on the crop-but now insists that that there should be consequences for disinformation and “wrongspeak.” Listen to the Queen:

“The press needs to create a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is,” Hillary Clinton said.

“He is a danger to our country and world,” Clinton said.

Oh, my! Clinton also resurrected her so-called Russian propaganda narrative, AKA the Russia, Russia, Russia Pee Pee Hoax, taking aim at-of all things-just like Harris-and some simps in congress-the First Amendment.

“There were Russians engaged in direct election interference and boosting Trump back in 2016, but I also thing (SIC) there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda and whether they should be civilly or criminally charged would be something that would be a better deterrent,” Hillary said.

The swampy deep state is not going to be happy until this “threat to democracy” is eliminated: one way or the other.

It is all about power, influence and money and they stand to lose on all fronts if this “danger to democracy” gets back in the WH.

They are willing to lie, cheat, steal, use lawfare and rhetoric typically reserved for Marxists and Socialists-who killed tens of millions of people throughout history-their actual heroes-anything to energize the public to stop the Bad Orange Man.

They are not going to stop-and neither is the deep state swamp when all the lawfare efforts go for naught, the polls are running against them, and they are desperate to cling to power, influence and money.

We need the Secret Service to get their schtick together like yesterday and perhaps Black Water to be retained as his personal security and on-site screening detail. They know how to use drones, empirical data and analysis, protection against actual threats, etc.…

We clearly can’t trust DHS and the SS security plans being implemented to protect this “threat to democracy.”

It is apparently too much to ask of our government to protect a man they believe is a threat to democracy. Which begs the question: How much trouble should they go through to protect a threat to democracy?

The answer appears to be very damn little.

19 September 2024

LSMBTGA: Lamestream media echo chamber (LMEC-L) social media (SM) big tech tyrants (BT,) government (G) and academia (A)

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