Dems’ Hatred Accelerates: Was There A THIRD Attempt To Harm Trump?

When President Trump held a rally in Tucson, Arizona on September 12th members of the group “Latinos for Trump” were on the stage, sitting behind and to Trump’s right during this inside rally. At least 20 within this group have apparently been covertly attacked by a high-power laser. Some victims suffered severe burns. Many were temporarily blinded, with symptoms which are continuing. Others may have been affected, but have yet to be identified.

Altogether, 48 members of “Latinos for Trump” were allowed to sit on the stage, behind Trump. They were divided into two groups. The fact that all those known to have been affected were sitting on the side of the stage where President Trump entered is important in understanding the significance of what happened. President Trump shook hands with them as he walked to the podium. But what they believed was their good fortune soon turned into a nightmare when severe symptoms began to strike 30 minutes after leaving the rally.

This set of bleachers was behind and to the right of Trump. The supporters seated in the bleachers that was behind and to the LEFT of Trump, did not have these symptoms. The Trump Campaign is investigating.

This “attempt” occurred three days before a Democrat activist laid in wait for golfer Trump to come close enough to shoot him. Can we call Tucson the second attempt and the golf course the third attempt? Here is what we know so far.



Pastor Eli Moreno opened the rally with a prayer. After an exciting time of being up close and personal with President Trump, the pastor and his wife began to develop symptoms on their drive home. The pastor’s wife was hit hardest. Her face began to swell, her vision blurred, and her sinuses started to run uncontrollably. When they stopped at a local drugstore for relief, they found other rally-goers with the same symptoms. Doctors at a local emergency room flushed her eyes and sent her to an ophthalmologist. Five days later, her vision was still significantly blurred.

Another victim, Mayra Rodriguez, also fell ill 30 minutes after the rally. Her symptoms included burning eyes and a severe headache. By the time she was rushed to the emergency room, she couldn’t open her eyes. Rodriguez discusses her symptoms in this short videoIt is interesting to note that Rodriguez was a Hillary Clinton supporter in 2016 and can be seen, in this video, sitting behind Clinton. No one at THAT rally was injured.

Other supporters seated in the same section had similar symptoms, reporting significantly blurred vision, severe eye pain, and facial swelling are common symptoms. In every case, the symptoms began about half an hour after the Trump rally. One rally-goer covered reported his face turned “fire red,” and the skin peeled a few days after the rally. Another woman on stage with Trump became so light-sensitive that she covered her eyes and remained in a darkened room for days after the rally. One victim reported that his eye damage was so severe that he was blinded for four days.


Did someone try to incapacitate Trump with a laser? If he became severely ill or blind, he would be unable to campaign and unable to perform the duties of his presidency. Did the laser shooter target Trump but, like Crooks, missed?

Medical experts believe the symptoms resulted either from a chemical agent or, more likely, from a high-powered infrared laser attack. Thus, while chemicals were initially blamed, physicians and retired military experts experienced in chemical-biological-nuclear-directed energy warfare now believe it was an attack by an unseen infrared laser.

The symptoms are consistent with a very severe sunburn. The reddened skin and peelings are typical symptoms of a dangerous level of overexposure to the sun’s infrared light. The fact that the symptoms did not start until about 30 minutes after exposure also indicates an infrared burn. It’s like getting too much sun at the beach. People often discover only later how badly sunburned they are.

Another clue pointing toward a laser attack is that those affected occupied a finite area, namely, two rows of 20 people adjacent to Donald Trump. Unless someone unleashed an aerosol spray that no one detected, a chemical attack would have a wider affected area. Also, the only areas affected were body parts that were exposed and not protected by clothing. The critical issue is the fact that it happened, and it can happen again. Democrats are getting desperate and they have millions of wingnuts in their party. This writer has met some Trump haters who rioted from the time he was elected in 2016 to the following February. On the surface they all seem normal, until they hear the word “Trump.”


The closely gathered group of victims points to a conclusion that the specific 20 people ending up in the ER, all of whom sat immediately adjacent to Trump, was no accident. Instead, it sent a very strong message. If you get close to Trump, you will suffer. Trump supporters have been harassed, fired from their jobs, attacked on the street, murdered, trolled & doxxed online, threatened, et al, for eight years now. The only mystery is that more Trump supporters have not been killed by Democrats.

Political and law enforcement insiders believe what happened was a warning. One warning could be, “This is what happens to people who support Donald Trump.” Another frightening warning could be “We purposely aimed at just one stage area, eight feet away from the President Trump. We could just as easily attack Trump.”

There is only informed opinion as to what caused the symptoms. But in the aftermath of two assassination attempts by rifle, and the Iranian promise to kill Trump, We The People need facts. The worst part is that law enforcement does not know precisely who or what caused this, and no one is sure how to prevent its recurrence. Next time, President Trump could be the victim.

Dems Are One Step Short Of Offering A Bounty On Trump’s Life

Dems Are One Step Short Of Offering A Bounty On Trump's Life

Democrat Activist Ryan W. Routh: “Iran, you are free to assassinate Trump. No one here in the United States seems to have the balls to put natural selection to work, or even unnatural selection.” ^

The author, Diane L. Gruber, is a First Amendment advocate who writes for Substack. She calls her Substack newsletter America First Re-Ignited.  If you enjoyed this article, then please REPOST or SHARE with others; encourage them to follow AFNN. If you’d like to become a citizen contributor for AFNN, contact us at Help keep us ad-free by donating here.

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4 thoughts on “Dems’ Hatred Accelerates: Was There A THIRD Attempt To Harm Trump?”

  1. Since the Butler assassination attempt, Trump speaks from behind a bullet proof screen. Infrared light can’t pass through regular glass. It would be interesting to know if Trump’s shield is also opaque to infrared. It might explain why Trump wasn’t affected.

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