Ah, 2004. A simpler time when Democrats wore their anti-war badges with pride, and Dick Cheney was the Darth Vader of Washington. The mere mention of his name sent shivers down the spines of liberals everywhere. He was the man behind the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the embodiment of everything evil in the world of politics. In those days, Democrats would have rather had dinner with a hedge fund manager than utter a single positive word about the man they deemed a “war criminal.” Fast forward to 2024, and wouldn’t you know it—Cheney’s glowing endorsement of Kamala is being embraced with open arms by the very people who once called for his head. The irony is almost too rich.
In the early 2000s, Cheney was the poster boy for everything wrong with America’s foreign policy. He championed the invasion of Iraq, authorized enhanced interrogation techniques, and generally led the country into what many on the left called an “illegal war.” To liberals, Cheney was a walking, breathing war machine, running on oil and questionable foreign intelligence. But today? Today, he’s just another guy in the growing parade of establishment figures ready to boost the Democrats’ 2024 ticket. It seems the same people who couldn’t stand his presence are now more than happy to parade him out as an example of bipartisan support. Ignorance is Truth.
But let’s not act too surprised, folks. The Democratic Party has had a curious evolution over the last couple of decades. The anti-war cries of “No blood for oil!” seem quaint compared to their newfound affinity for foreign intervention and military posturing. After all, this is the same party that now champions drone strikes, covert operations, and proxy wars with the ease of a seasoned veteran. The days of questioning American imperialism are long gone—replaced by a casual acceptance of warfare as long as it’s politically convenient. With Cheney’s support for their candidates, they’ve fully embraced their transformation into the party that once loathed him. War is Peace.
And let’s talk about Kamala the supposed recipient of Cheney’s newfound admiration. In the 2000s, Democrats would have crucified any politician who stood side by side with Cheney. But today, it’s not even a blip on the radar. In fact, it’s practically an asset! The very people who screamed about the Patriot Act and endless wars now smile politely as Cheney lends his credibility to their vice president. Because, apparently, when a war hawk agrees with you, it’s no longer a problem—it’s “reaching across the aisle.” Freedom is Slavery.
So here we are in 2024, where the Democratic Party has officially traded in its anti-war soul for the favor of establishment figures like Cheney. He actually shot his friend in the face with a shotgun… Who needs principles when you can have the endorsement of a former “war criminal”? It’s the perfect irony: the party that once prided itself on being anti-war is now the party happily collecting endorsements from the architects of war.
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