The Chinese Communist Party plays the long game.* One of their methods to, inch by inch, take over America is to groom Americans whom the CCP believe 1) are going places, and 2) are susceptible to being influenced. THAT is Tim Walz is spades! Of course, when they started grooming him in 1989, the CCP did not know that he would rise to the level of Congressman, Governor and, now vice presidential candidate. Indeed, they surely have many, many groomed traitors who never make it to any level of useability for the CCP. As far as We The People know, should Harris/Walz be elected, Tim Walz will be the highest ranked CCP operative in the federal government, EVER.
Conventional wisdom says that vice presidential candidates don’t decide presidential elections. However, Tim Walz should never get anywhere near the White House. He belongs to the Chinese Communist Party and will do whatever he can to undermine both our economy and our national security to benefit his master, the CCP. Maoist Vice President Tim Walz will, at the same time, be working to destroy our precious Bill of Rights.
For decades, Communist China’s subversive strategies in America have included wooing & grooming foreign academics, businessmen, and politicians so that they knowingly or unknowingly advance the CCP’s agenda. Walz was born in 1964, just two years before China’s decade-long Maoist Cultural Revolution, where Mao commanded ordinary citizens to slaughter one to two million of their neighbors.^ [Does this sound familiar? Why do you think AG Garland dismissed all charges against 400 2020 rioters? Why do you think the Soros-funded DAs did not indict the murderers from the 2020 riots?] From his childhood years, Walz romantically remembers “pictures of Mao Tse-tung, hung in public places and carried in parades.” What the hell? Is this true? He grew up in Nebraska, for Pete’s sake!
In 1989 the CCP slaughtered between one and ten thousand of their own people in Tiananmen Square. At that time, 25-year-old Timmy was in China for his first trip, heard about the slaughter and couldn’t wait to visit the scene. He raved about the “royal treatment” his CCP hosts provided. A year after the slaughter, Walz gushed “No matter how long I live, I’ll never be treated that well again. They gave me more gifts than I could bring home. It was an excellent experience.”
In 1994 Walz deliberately scheduled his wedding to be on the same day, June 4th, as the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. When asked by the Scottsbluff Star-Herald why, wife Gwen said Tim simply “wanted to have a date he’ll always remember.” They honeymooned in Kunming, China, no doubt as VIP guests of the Chinese Communist Party who was grooming him.
Between early 1990 and 2008, Walz ran his own personal, lucrative business, bringing young and persuadable American students to China to be indoctrinated. Check out the story of Jack’s 1995 trip with Timmy, linked below. Walz took “travel cost” payments from the Chinese government, as well. During that period, Walz would visit China more than 30 times.
According to Walz’s congressional financial disclosure statements, his China-obsessed travel company was only dissolved in the fall of 2008, more than a year and a half after he became a member of Congress in January 2007. Democrats don’t have to follow the law, including registering as foreign agents, after all.
In 2005, both JD Vance, the Republican vice presidential candidate, and Walz were readying to deploy to Iraq, Vance as a 21-year-old Marine and Walz, age 41, as the command sergeant major of his National Guard unit. Only Vance would go because Walz quit his unit before it was deployed to Iraq in order to run for Congress. Because he did not fulfill his contract as a command sergeant major, Walz was demoted in rank. Later, he falsely claimed he saw combat, when the closest he got to the battlefield was the vineyards of Italy.
Meanwhile, while pretending to be representing the AMERICAN people in Congress, Walz worked as an international fellow at Macau Polytechnic University, a state-run Chinese institution that backs CCP dictator Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative and touts its “long held devotion to and love for the [Chinese] motherland.” Did he register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agent Registration Act? Hunter didn’t bother, so it is likely that Timmy didn’t either.
As many Americans were suffering under the economic carnage communist China had inflicted on communities across the USA, then-Congressman Walz publicly downplayed the need to stand up to communist China’s aggression, stating in a 2016 interview: “I don’t fall into the category that China necessarily needs to be an adversarial relationship. I totally disagree.”
Jack’s Trip To China With Tim Walz
*My long time friend, now a retired college professor, grew up in China. Many times over the years she has mentioned how & why the CCP groom both Americans and Overseas Chinese (that is, Chinese who are living in other countries) to do their bidding when the need arises. She told me about the Confucius Institutes which had sprung up across America since 2004 not only kept an eye on Overseas Chinese to keep them in line, but also hunted for people to groom. Indeed, there was one at her college, Portland State University in Portland, Oregon.
^The Cultural Revolution was characterized by violence and chaos across Chinese society, including a massacre in Guangxi that included acts of cannibalism, as well as massacres in Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Guangdong, Yunnan, and Hunan. Estimates of the death toll vary widely, typically ranging from 1–2 million.
The author, Diane L. Gruber, is a First Amendment advocate who writes for Substack. She calls her Substack newsletter America First Re-Ignited.
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