Let’s get something straight: if you genuinely believe in evolution and, at the same time, claim to care about **justice**, you’re swimming in a sea of contradiction. How can justice possibly exist in a world where humans are just random, cosmic accidents, crawling out of the primordial ooze like squishy little mistakes? If we evolved from chaos, then the **law of the jungle** reigns supreme, and “survival of the fittest” isn’t just a biology lesson—it’s the only moral compass. Think about it: does a cheetah apologize to a gazelle after chasing it down for dinner? Does the gazelle get to call its lawyer? Of course not. That’s nature—ruthless, indifferent, and completely void of justice.
But wait—civilization, right? We’ve got laws! We have courts! **Surely we’ve risen above the animal kingdom**, you say. But if everything about us is just a product of blind evolution, then our laws are just a bunch of arbitrary rules we cooked up to keep ourselves from constantly stealing each other’s lunch money. According to the “evolved” way of thinking, laws aren’t real—they’re just **polite suggestions**. Civilization is basically a giant social agreement, like promising not to double-dip your chips at a party. You can, but it’s frowned upon. If humans evolved from animals, that means our sense of right and wrong is about as solid as a cheetah’s remorse for its latest meal.
Here’s the kicker: **justice** and **moral order** don’t come from humans. They can’t! They’re far too… permanent. If we’re all just evolved stardust, where does the idea of ultimate right and wrong come from? Did evolution suddenly decide one day, “You know what? Let’s sprinkle in some morality for fun?” It makes no sense. You don’t see lions holding court sessions in the Serengeti, handing down sentences for gazelle-related crimes. Humans, on the other hand, intuitively know that some things are right, and some things are wrong. That doesn’t come from random mutation—it comes from a **higher entity**. A little thing called God.
And here’s the **depravity problem**: when you toss God out and say He’s just an “old myth,” society is left to fend for itself with its “make it up as you go” morals. Look around—when people abandon the idea that justice comes from a higher source, we get chaos. Suddenly, anything goes, because why not? Without an ultimate arbiter, every cheetah is free to hunt its gazelle however it sees fit, and humans aren’t any different. Without God, you have a moral vacuum where every terrible action is just another side effect of evolution.
So next time someone tells you **they believe in evolution and justice**, remind them of the cheetah. That sleek, merciless hunter chasing down its prey without a shred of guilt is a picture-perfect example of life without God. They’re wrong. **Justice exists because there is something beyond us**, something bigger than just evolutionary happenstance. Morality doesn’t evolve—it’s handed down from the top.
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Well said. This exposes a fundamental flaw among those who reject God, but also seek to live in an ordered society. They have no basis for it. If there is no God, then morality has no basis. If morality has no basis then the Citizen of the Year has no more claim on correct morality than an unrepentant child molester. If there is no God, then there is no objective morality and the rest of society has no right to tell anyone else they are wrong.
“Every man did what was right in his own eyes.” It seems I’ve heard that before. Society does not end well from that point forward.