Quanah Parker, Hamas, and Hezbollah

Quanah Parker was the last Comanche Chief to submit and move onto the reservation.  He was a Stone Age tribal chief.  Hamas and Hezbollah are the fighting organizations of a late Medieval tribal culture.  In the eyes of Western Civilization all these tribes looked like barbarians and savages.  Because then and now, they are barbarians and savages compared to the West.

Cultural Marxists hate it when I compare Hamas and Hezbollah to the American Indian tribes. 

They don’t understand my analogy with the Arian Christian Visigoths and Romans.  When the Visigoths sacked Rome in 412 AD they were about as civilized as Rome was before 250 BC.  Rome was sacked by “barbarians.”

How is that measured, you ask with an arched eyebrow?  Look the 25 plus things unique to a society which define it as a culture.   Religion, language, government, law, family, economy, etc. 

Note to “Multi-culturalists”:  All societies, cultures, and civilizations are not equal.  Never were.  Never will be.

Fast forward to America’s Indian Wars (1608-1890).  The Neolithic (that means Stone Age) people were more than Bronze Age and Iron Age behind the Europeans in 1492.  That put them 3 to 5,000 years behind.  That’s a much more than the distance between the Visigoth barbarians and the Romans.  It’s why our Declaration of Independence refers to the “inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”

Fast Forward to today.  Islam’s Civilizations, which were more advanced than Western Civilization for a few centuries, fell behind.  They never had a 1215 Magna Charta moment limiting the power of a sovereign ruler.  Nor have they had a Renaissance,  Reformation, Enlightenment, or Great Awakenings.  When the Imans ruled that all knowledge about everything was revealed to Mohammed, so there is nothing new to learn, then Islam got stuck in the year 1250.

In the Middle East and North Africa, Egypt, Iran (Persia), and Turkey (Ottomans) are countries with civilizations.  Everyone else lives in a tribal culture.  Whether they are ruled by monarchs or dictators, they remain tribal societies and civilizations.  They are 800 years behind Israel – as a full-fledged member of Western Civilization.

Consequently, as barbarians and savages they are further behind than the Visigoths, but not as far as the Indians were.

Regardless of the gap, the solutions are going to be unpleasant.

American Indians had to find out their religion was false.  It didn’t protect them.  Muslim Hamas and Hezbollah are finding out they aren’t protected the hard way.

The 20% of Muslims who actually believe and follow the Koran and Hadith have to learn something different if they are to stay, let alone assimilate, in Western Civilization.

80% of Muslims for whom it is an identity more than a religion have less of a challenge.  They can get along when their Koran means as little as the Bible does to liberal Protestants and cafeteria Catholics. 

So, what makes someone give up their identity and assume another?

If we look at how Europe went from pagan to Christian over one thousand years and how half of Europe went from Catholic to Protestant in decades before the armies pushed them back, we see ten levers for change working.  Ten lines of action combining together.

How worldviews change:

Ideas.  Humankind is motivated by ideas.   For good or evil.  The power of ideas, whose time has come, can’t be overstated.  Like, the Christian idea of assured life after death is superior to a Muslim’s salvation guaranteed only by death in jihad.

Messages and Media.  The ideas must be shared in the contemporary media widely, effectively, and deliberately.

Communities.  Enough people with the new worldview live in communities of close association.  The communities are better in many respects than their neighbors.

Key Persons.  Every movement has to have leaders.

Women.  The status of women is elevated in the new worldview.

Family.  The new worldview makes healthier, happier, safer families.

Elites.  Enough of the elites are in the movement to give it legitimacy to the people in power and status to the lower classes.

Education.  When the schools of the new worldview provide a better education, others send their children there to get the best education possible.

Incentives.  When there are new opportunities for people with the new worldview, many convert to take them.

Power.  The coercive power of the government, including military power, punishes the people with the old world view.

The old worldview has to become meaningless and a new identity mean there’s hope for the future.  As it did so a few months before Quanah Parker died, when he said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I used to be a bad man.  Now I am a citizen of the United States.  I pay taxes same as you people do. We are the same people now.”  

Two cultures, two worldviews, cannot co-exist.  One will be transformed (see Sikhs in India), assimilated, or exterminated.  Or some combination thereof. 

Hamas, Hezbollah, and all their supporters in Gaza and Lebanon are like the Comanches.  Isreal has hard choices to make.

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