Kamala Harris’s major campaign issue is abortion, any time, anywhere, mostly paid by taxpayers, regardless the gestational age of the fetus, regardless the viability of the new human being. She is the first presidential candidate from a major party to visit an abortion clinic. No presidential candidate has been as thirsty for baby blood as Harris. Trump was the first president, ever, to speak at a Pro Life rally.
Margaret Sanger (1879-1966), the leading voice of the abortion movement in America, indeed it could be said that she was the “mother” who gave “birth” to the abortion industry that is slaughtering full term babies today, wanted to “exterminate” the Negro race. She founded Planned Parenthood for that very purpose. Don’t take my word for it, she wrote down her plans:
1922: “Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.”
1926: “I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan…I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses…I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak…In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered.”
1933: “Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need. We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock.”
1939: “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
Black women have disproportionately high abortion rates in the United States. More than 19 million black babies have been aborted since 1973. Although black women are only 6-7 percent of America’s population, they represented 42% of abortion patients prior to the US Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. [More recent statistics are not available.] Black women have the highest abortion ratio in the country, with 474 abortions per 1,000 live births.
The author, Diane L. Gruber, is a First Amendment advocate who writes for Substack. She calls her Substack newsletter America First Re-Ignited.
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