Election Eve 2024

This isn’t the most important election of our lives unless Kamala wins and we never have another free and fair election. The most important election of our lives will be 2028 when whoever controls Congress and POTUS controls the Census of 2030. That Census can bake in the illegal alien vote for a decade. If that happens, America will find out if a country can vote out a corrupt tyranny or not. I probably won’t be alive to find out.

I hope and pray my adult kids and grandchildren don’t have to fight for their freedom. Two generations of our People fought here. That’s enough. Likewise, I hope and pray that Trump wins in two days. We’ll see how well this piece ages. It could all be for naught. This election is too close to call. The mail-in ballots in swing states muddy the waters more – for the “after election.”

The piece I wrote when I went to President Trump’s rally in September 2020 aged well.

Since Trump is the Republican nominee, this 2020 line stands,

“Furthermore, I agree with the thousands of Virginians who stood shoulder to shoulder that afternoon and night, that President Trump is the only man, the only thing, standing between the Commies, the Islamists, and the Establishment Swamp Creatures who will destroy America and us Americans. At this time, Trump alone, is pushing the Left back hard.”

Even though Trump has moved the Republican Party to the Left, it is still Center Right because the Democrats have gone so much further into insane Cultural Marxism and Islamist appeasement.

Trump continues to make his case as he did in 2020.

“His main points are what really matters to normal, working folks.

Especially, and never forget this, DJT connects with many tens of millions who believe ‘America’ is still an ascending idea. Sit with that a second. It’s something I put together when I led the Army 21 Study (a 1990-92 study for the years 2005-2015) – that the majority of Americans love America deeply and will for decades to come.

These Americans – we – don’t ask for handouts or special privileges, but want the freedom of economic opportunity and demand the freedoms of our God-given, Constitutionally-written, Law and Order supported, individual rights. For over 30 years no one in power has stood up and fought for us the way President Trump has.  The “us” isn’t the identity politics of the Left. Our “us” is the good people with shared idea politics of family, faith, and freedom.

A snob could look down on the people at the rally as plebian, proletarian, what a cynical Sinclair Lewis called the “Boobocracy”, petty bourgeoisie, hicks or any of the Left’s descending list of slurs. I was proud to be there. Truly grateful to be an American among patriots. If this makes me a Prole, count me in.   All in.”

And, to prove the point, Joe Biden called Trump’s supporters “garbage.”

Having said all the above, I’m not a Trump cheerleader. I’m a Movement Conservative and anti-Communist. Anti-Human Secularist Totalitarianism and Anti-Islamist Totalitarianism. So keeping our American “Commies” hands off the great levers of federal power for four years is a good thing for the Republic. It may preserve our Nation with a breather until we can win the Great U.S. Culture War.

The grand coalition of Conservatives, Libertarians, and the huge numbers of middle class wage-earners, small business owners, and independent professionals is bigger than FDR’s. Trump didn’t put it together as much as circumstances did, but he is leading it in this election. Trump needs to win with it in 2024.

And, we still MUST win Congress and POTUS in 2028!

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