Jacksonian Era 2.0 – Maybe

President Trump’s Coalition is coalescing as a Common Sense, Center Right, pragmatic movement purposed to serve the giant middle class of America and anyone in the lower class willing to work up. The rich will get richer because that is the way of the world, but the elites won’t rule through their government bureaucrats. At first glance it looks like a revision of Jacksonian Democracy. It could be start of a new era in America. Maybe.

President Andrew Jackson was a hero to the Democrats until The Trail of Tears became the unpardonable sin. Jackson’s treatment of the Indians was worse than being a Confederate soldier in Presentist and Cultural Marxist, inter-sectional hierarchy of evil. Before the study of history got as silly as it is stupid, Jackson was a significant figure for all Americans.

Jackson was for the common man. Against the elites. Against the establishment and monetary interests. Read about the Inauguration Day reception he gave in the White House. Fun stuff if you are down with the hoi polloi.

Fast forward to 2024. President Trump’s transition is breathtaking. His young gun nominees for the highest office could go either way. It’s likely to be mixed results. Yet, the boldness of the choices – especially the recent high profile converts who were ostracized and abandoned by the Democrats relentlessly descending into Human Secularist Totalitarianism – is a commitment to reform. It’s an expression of confidence for change agents to move fast and hard.

The American majority who elected President Trump will cheer their every victory. Likewise, the Democrats’ hysterical reaction is as amusing as it is telling about how clueless they are about our side of the Great U.S. Culture War. They don’t get how much we don’t want the Federal Government to run our lives – at the same time that we want the Federal Government to protect us from big money crony capitalism closing in on actual Fascism.

Furthermore, the Democrats don’t call their DEI, CRT, ESG, and Climate Crisis “Cultural Marxism,” but it is. Consequently, I often refer to the Democrats as Commies or Bolsheviks. The label fits. And, the hard slide of their ideas into tyranny is evident in the UK. People who make “offensive” social media posts are arrested and imprisoned. Kamala Harris argued for such censorship during this election. And, we had a trial run during the gross Covid abuses of power.

Expunging Cultural Marxism from the Armed Services is a top-down exercise. Copying Marshall’s World war 2 “plucking board” to get rid of senior officers should be severely constrained to the Afghanistan surrender and the most explicit DEI/CRT kowtowing. Recklessly purging the officer corps like Stalin did can have awful consequences and invites the next Administration to return the favor.

Finally, the illegal alien invasion and its consequences in fentanyl deaths, crime, housing and insurance costs, burdens for schools and social services, as well as the threat for an American October 7th attack by barbarian Islamists or CCP cadre, will be met head on. The professional-racist Democrats will try to racialize deportations.

If the Trump Administration is successful, his coalition can be the governing majority for decades. At the very least, Trump’s team can provide a remission from the malignant cancer of Cultural Marxism. It could become the cure. To be determined.

Movement Conservatives should use this time as an opportunity. It’s easy to acknowledge that President Trump and many key persons aren’t doctrinaire Conservatives. That doesn’t detract from the vantage point of being in power to stop the Bolsheviks and roll back their policies. And, it’s easier to evangelize friends working for common goals to more Conservative positions. We have the truth on our side. A cult of personality isn’t permanent. It never is. That’s a lesson even North Korea will learn eventually.

Happy Days are here again!

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