Now Republicans Must Govern

The election results on November 5th was an earthquake, being over 40 years in the making. It would appear that two things were decisive in Trump’s victory: Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter (now “X”), and the changing of the guard in leadership at the Republican National Committee. The former prevented the Left from censoring one of the most prolific alternative information platforms, and the latter meant that RINOs would not scuttle a Red Wave. But with victory comes the hard part.

Republicans must now govern.

Regardless how one feels about the Democrat leaders, one thing is for certain. When they seize power, they wield it with uncompromising fury against their opponents. In contrast, Republican leaders consistently try to placate the other side, playing Mensheviks to the Bolsheviks.

Back in the mid-1990s, I was doing lobbying work in the state of New Hampshire.[1] At that time, the Republicans swept the State Senate, holding 18 of the 24 seats… a super majority of 75%. So, what did the then-President of the State Senate, the late Senator Joe Delahunty of Salem, New Hampshire do? Did he seize power and wield it with fury against the Left? Rather, not only did ol’ Joe work to placate the six Leftist Democrats (they called themselves the “six pack”), he actually gave each of them vice-chairmanships of important Senate committees. Naturally, this caused us nothing but trouble for the next two years.

The problem for so many Republican “leaders” is that they suffer from what the late State Senator from California, H.L. “Bill” Richardson called “peer group shift.”[2] They start out good, but once in office their peer group changes, and they start hanging out with more and more Leftists at all the swanky parties. They get elected as fire-breathing dragons, ready to slay the Leftists, only to become meek as bleating sheep in just a few terms in office. Rare is the Republican who does not stray down this path of compromise.

So Republicans need to learn from their opponents, just as a skilled general, his officers and the men of his army, learn from their enemy. Now that they will have power, they must seize it, wield it with fury against the Leftists, and don’t give them even an inch. Take away their plush offices… shove Schumer into a closet and pack Pelosi into the basement. Take away their perks, their excess legislative aides, even their plumb parking spaces. And investigate… investigate… investigate. Find out how these Leftists rake in so much money on a lawmaker’s salary.

But don’t worry Leftists… for I doubt seriously any of that will happen. After all, far too many of our current crop of Republican “leaders” have already tasted the heady wine of Washington corruption.

Sadly, far too many have already suffered from “peer group shift.”


Russ Rodgers has several books published on Amazon.

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[1] I was a good lobbyist… I lobbied to keep the state from stealing children from parents falsely accused of child abuse.

[2] Senator H.L. Richardson. What Makes You Think We Read the Bills? Ottawa, IL:  Caroline House Books/Greenhill Publishers, Inc., 1978, Chapter 12, “Peer Group Shift.”

1 thought on “Now Republicans Must Govern”

  1. I have said this for many years. What Republicans don’t know best is fight among themselves. They have until the mid-term elections to make sweeping change and prove to the American people their trust was well placed. I have little hope that the honeymoon will last until the inauration.

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