What happened to gratitude? In a world where free food used to be a reason to smile, we now find ourselves navigating workplaces poisoned by identity politics. The latest episode of ridiculousness comes from a Catholic hospital where some staff members rejected Chick-fil-A sandwiches—not because they were allergic to chicken but because the sandwiches symbolized a perceived ideological enemy. How dare anyone bring lunch without vetting its alignment with someone’s personal manifesto? This isn’t progress; it’s entitlement wrapped in self-righteousness, and it’s tearing apart our workplaces and our communities.
The so-called “woke mind virus” has infected people to the point where they’ve forgotten the most basic manners. Once upon a time, if someone didn’t like what was offered, they simply said, “No, thank you.” Now, instead of just declining, we get tantrums masquerading as moral crusades. Rejecting charity because of a company’s supposed political views? That’s not standing on principle—it’s self-centered theatrics. The irony here is almost too rich: working at a Catholic hospital, rejecting charity, and preaching intolerance. The hypocrisy is staggering.
What’s truly alarming is the growing intolerance that this behavior exposes. The woke mob loves to preach inclusion and diversity, but only if it fits within their own narrow worldview. The moment someone dares to step outside the bounds of their moral echo chamber, they are shunned, criticized, and vilified. Where’s the inclusivity for people who just want to eat their free Chick-fil-A sandwich in peace? Where’s the respect for differing views? It seems the “woke” crowd’s commitment to tolerance only extends as far as their own preferences.
Let’s talk about what this does to workplaces. Instead of focusing on collaboration, teamwork, and doing the job you were hired to do, workplaces are turning into battlegrounds for identity politics. Employees now spend more time scrutinizing whether lunch aligns with their ideologies than on actual productivity. Morale suffers, resentment grows, and organizations spend time managing petty grievances instead of delivering on their mission. It’s childish, selfish, and downright exhausting.
The truth is, this isn’t activism—it’s narcissism. Rejecting charity over a chicken sandwich doesn’t make you a warrior for social justice; it makes you a petulant child. If you don’t want the food, say no and move on. Let someone else enjoy the generosity. The fact that this even needs to be said is a depressing sign of the times. This nation was built on freedom, hard work, and resilience, not on tantrums and identity-fueled victimhood. It’s time to grow up, show some respect, and stop letting this woke madness destroy workplaces and communities.
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