“How can we teach our children that violence cannot always solve their problems when our government always turns to violence to solve its problems.” Anonymous The United States is in a dangerous place. Because of almost four years of weak leadership worldwide, we are perilously close to world war. Every decision concerning Ukraine by this administration and NATO countries has been a poor one, made with preconceived notions, miscalculation, and agendas. As the Ukraine War intensifies, it serves as a stark reminder that there is literally no one at the helm that we can see or that the press can question! We’re left alone to wander the wilderness at least until January 20, which now seems a long way off. We were told that Ukraine is our war—that no sovereign nation should ever be invaded, except of course Iraq and Afghanistan. Democrats, Rinos, and the mainstream media continue to sell us the villainy of Russia while ignoring the extreme corruption and dictatorship of Ukraine. These are the same people that guaranteed us that Hillary was going to win in 2016, giving her an 80% chance and that our inflation was transitory. All they care about is their plan and how to achieve it. As much as the Leftist Democrat media has tried to sell us the saintly Zelensky, they can’t hide the facts. Ukraine is a center for money laundering and child sex trafficking. He banned opposition political parties, critical media, churches, including the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and even raided convents, effectively banning Christianity. Zelensky established a police state, all with our money. And this is the country Democrats want us to die for, to risk world war for, to risk nuclear holocaust for. All this is being ignored. Neither they nor the media want you to know. They prefer us to think that Zelensky is another George Washington. He’s not. He’s a neo-liberal, two-bit dictator, Pinochet style—a Chilean autocrat famous for crimes against humanity and state terrorism. Why all the hatred toward Russia? It would be nonsense to compare the Russian Republic to the Soviet Union. When the Soviet Union dissolved, Russia wanted to get closer to Europe and the West. But they were spurned like bad children. Democrats in particular have a rock in their shoe toward Russia. As best as I can gather from observation and research, Democrats are convinced that Putin helped Trump win the 2016 election. Absurd on its face and everywhere else. It couldn’t possibly be that Hillary is not well-liked, left men to die in Benghazi, or that she’s corrupt and everything else you can think of, including the propensity to be bought. She sanctioned the sale of U.S. uranium to Russia in exchange for a substantial donation to the Clinton Foundation and obliterated evidence associated with her management of classified documents. Sound familiar? She skated better than Sonja Henie. Hillary earned her loss. Nations are like people; they need friends, buffers, or allies. As a result, China pushed Russia closer, persuading them that they have no friends in the West. It wasn’t always so amiable. In the 1960s, Russia and China were in dispute over territory that some feared would explode into war. Now the two nations have something in common. Russia desires a small portion of Ukraine that is desired by the people living there, while China wants Taiwan. Confident that Putin helped Trump win the 2016 election, the Democrats’ evidence proved bogus—the Russia Gate hoax. Why Putin would want a strong leader in the White House is beyond the intelligence of anti-Trumpers. Without Biden, Putin and Xi Jinping would have missed out on opportunities like the invasion of Ukraine and China’s frequent use of spy balloons over sensitive military installations. And without any response from Biden. Putin is no dummy. He knows to never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. That’s why he endorsed Biden, with a bit of a Cheshire grin. We can all agree that Joe Biden is no longer an effective president. Harris does not have the where-with-all to take over even for a few months. We don’t really know who is calling the shots. We can only make assumptions. And the best one is Barack Obama. But apparently someone or some group wants us to go to war with Russia, a major nuclear power. Let that sink in. We either have a Dr. Strangelove in the White House or a collection of people who have lost their collective minds. And their collective minds simply want to subvert the Trump administration before it has a chance of getting off the ground. If not treason, it is very close. No one in the Biden White House is thinking of the people of Ukraine. This war could have been over tens of thousands of deaths ago. Instead, the West keeps pushing Ukraine, giving them false hope of some victory down the road. It’s not going to happen. Whoever is left in Ukraine will eventually go home to a country totally destroyed. The West has now decided to ‘aid’ Ukraine in allowing Zelensky to launch U.S. missiles into Russian territory. I am amazed at Putin’s restraint in the face of constant provocation. Russia is not a North Vietnam or Taliban. They are a world class power with thousands upon thousands of nuclear warheads and a sure way to deliver them to Europe or the United States. For the time being, Putin is only exercising restraint because he knows Trump wants to end the war. We can only hope that Putin’s patience doesn’t wear too thin. What is quickly developing is a grave dilemma. Trump’s inauguration is January 20th, a full two months away. The Biden administration, and our government, is a train roaring down the track without an engineer. It’s out of control. All while, the situation in Ukraine is getting worse by the day, and we have a government that is unwilling to solve it peacefully and wants to leave Trump as much of a shit storm as possible. It’s subversion of an election and a desertion of responsibility. We are getting too close to a full, all out war with Russia. The Constitution is silent on such a plight. If the Democrats had any sense, and they don’t, they would agree to pushing up the swearing in before we get into a dire circumstance that develops a life of its own. Declare a national emergency, allow Trump to take control now and put an end to this madness. But they won’t. They have money to spend, judges to appoint, people to pardon, and excrement to leave Trump, hoping the war will start after the inauguration. We must find a way. We don’t have clear choices—choices that we can point to with any precedent. The choices are naked. Throughout history, people have fought wars, died, and destroyed entire civilizations, leading historians and armchair philosophers to later lament, ‘If only’.
This article originally appeared on Stand Up America US. Reprinted here with permission.
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