The assassination of JFK at 61.
I’m relaunching this article with a new introduction with the hope-knowing that “hope” is not a plan nor a strategy-that it in some way clarifies why dear reader should relook it in earnest to unlock five key “mysteries of life” related to the JFK assassination.
Here is the bottom-line-up front: Central elements of our government had definitive warning about the JFK assassination plots in Chicago, Miami-Tampa, and Dallas in the fall of 1963 and did not take action to stop it (Dallas.) There is also evidence that some were active participants through proxy in the assassination.
The most senior level of our government-represented by Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson and Federal Bureau of Investigation Director John Edgar Hoover-actively led a coverup of the assassination. No lower element of our government could have pulled this off: none.
My article series on this topic focused on highlighting what Lee Harvey Oswald and CPT, US Army (Ret) Richard Case Nagel chose to do when it became clear to both of them in their sphere of intelligence operations that their warnings about an assassination attempt were ignored.
Both knew this (warnings being ignored) because they were up to their necks in Intel operations in the summer of 1963 and had ways to evaluate whether the warnings they sent through operational channels echoed back through their sources, their “trapline” contacts.
Each in their own way took such action as they deemed necessary given the circumstances, their expertise and a modicum of caution in consideration that it was a lemming-like, suicide action stepping out in too public a way.
Oswald was taken out in short order after his actions, professionally hit by Carlos Marcello’s guy-Jack “Ruby” Rubinstein-in the most visible, brazen, preventable way possible. Oswald was under the protection of and surrounded by 100s of policeman in the center of perhaps the most corrupt police department in the country.
If there was a stronger signal to be sent that “snitches get stitches” to any and all involved in the assassination at any level, I can’t think of it. Or consider that it was the second signal sent after the cold-blooded execution of Dallas Police Officer Tippitt.
Two executions within mere days of the assassination and yet all the focus was on Oswald.
The Warren Commission found no connections to report between Ruby, the mob/mafia/syndicate in the person of Carlos Marcello whose territory included Dallas, nor Ruby’s earlier efforts to help spring Miami mob boss Santos Trafficante Jr. from a Cuban jail.
They somehow also missed the ties between the strip club Ruby operated under the sponsorship of Marcello, Ruby’s tax troubles, his “skimming” from the club to pay the IRS, the connection of Oswald’s Uncle Charles “Dutz” Murret-a bookie for Marcello-none of that made it into the voluminous Warren Report: the definitive answer on the assassination.
Nagel spent some jail time for his “bank robbery” effort and thereby verified that the assassination plot was most definitely “sanctioned” at the highest level of our government. He later survived an assassination attempt and likely did not survive the next one.
What facts could be in the non-released, potentially top secret, compartmented, double knot spy information the government has not released in six decades?
With all we know about the assassination, which is more than compelling enough to debunk the government cover-up of the lone gunman theory-unless you are a total, in the bag hack-what could be in that residue of unreleased information that could be so sensitive that it must be kept from the public some six decades later?
Let’s play the speculation game. I mentioned five mysteries of life. I consider Nagel and Oswald’s actions two of the mysteries of the assassination that have to be solved.
Then there are the books of Edward T. Haslam, whose father was on the medical staff alongside renowned cancer expert Dr. Alton Ochsner, about the mysterious death of world-famous cancer researcher Dr. Mary Sherman. An apparent murder the New Orleans Police still carry as a “cold case,” that involved arson, an apparent lesbian angle, and strange post-mortem mutilations.
Oh, and what turned out to be a covert linear particle accelerator that likely cost over 10M dollars in the midst of a murky medical research facility under the care of the good doctor(s) during a time when you could count such devices on a few hands.
Haslam’s book(s) make for good reading. Much like the below, his somewhat meandering journey toward solving what became two puzzles, including the apparent murder of Dr. Mary Sherman and the elusive tale of a massive power consuming medical device of a special nature, is somewhat spellbinding and compelling.
A hint about his primary topic is that it involves tainted vaccines, Monkey Pox, and fast acting cancers. The tie to the JFK assassination is somewhat of an afterthought or late breaking happenstance in the scheme of his research.
There is the strange tale of Judyth Vary Baker, an aspiring cancer researcher who was in New Orleans in the midst of “schtuff” in that critical summer of 1963: Arranged by Dr. Ochsner.
Judy’s book is an exhaustive, extensively documented story of her involvement with many of the central characters, including David Ferrie, Dr. Mary Sherman, Dr. Alton Ochsner, Oswald, Ruby and others.
Judy’s book will rock your world. The level of detail in her book-some ~800 pages-is near nauseating, nitpicky, with attention to detail way past anal retentive, bordering on obsessive compulsive. But therein lies the value and proof of her story: she supplies the “detes,” she has the receipts, and her story is beyond credible.
The disappointing part of her story is the tragic interruption of her promising career in combating cancer. While the surprising part is how quickly she went from a high school cancer research project pioneer and genius to participation in medical trials to demonstrate the lethality of fast acting cancers to kill humans.
With a goal to contribute to eliminating Monkey Pox from Polio vaccines and to also answer the mail for the RFK-led operation to take out Fidel Castro. And then in short order totally out of the cancer research business, driven into hiding by circumstances beyond her control…
The magnitude of her story in making sense of the JFK assassination cannot be overstated: I would not be surprised if dear reader didn’t re-read the last part of the above multiple times.
Then there are the tentacles of Carlos Marcello. A “Don,” mob, mafia, syndicate leader of the oldest such organization in the US with a territory spanning from points east to Louisiana to Texas and westward. Running an organization that was making nearly a billion dollars a year in the late 1950s and early sixties.
A man who had a deportation order dictated by the Eisenhower administration. Who was in effect, kidnapped from an immigration office in New Orleans and flown to Guatemala-dropped off under RFK’s deportation order-in which he made good on his threat to “use their own tactics against them.”
Marcello almost died getting back to the US: he was not a happy camper when he returned. He was coincidentally (or not) in a deportation hearing in New Orleans the day that JFK was assassinated.
I add a 6th mystery of life to this list in the form of Tom Wilson and his book “A Deeper, Darker Truth.” Tom’s somewhat happenstance and near inadvertent assassination work came later in the story and is not for everybody.
Those not trained in the scientific approach using photonics, photogrammetry and manipulation of wave lengths to evaluate subject material find it somewhat dry and difficult to assimilate.
His work may be the only clinical, scientific, nothing but the facts evidence of what went down that day in Dealy Plaza. His effort touches nearly every aspect of and undoes many of the faux facts that others rely upon to construct the lone gunman BS.
His journey of discovery through the assassination photonic evidence is remarkable. Perhaps more astounding is how conclusive such evidence can be in the right hands.
In reading Tom’s journey of discovery I was reminded of an exercise that took place in Europe at US Vth Corps HQs at the IG Farbin building in Frankfurt-the one with the famous Padernosters. We were working on a rapid targeting capability that involved “sensor-to-shooter” efforts that attempted to quickly provide an image from satellite or an airborne collector like the U-2 to a shooter entity like long range artillery to target Soviet Missile systems.
Sure enough, there was a SCUD Missile System detected by a radar platform and the Vth Corps Intel Chief (G-2) arranged to have the picture (imagery) driven to Frankfurt as part of the report on the events.
For those not in the business and who have never attempted to interpret radar “imagery,” we in the business call it “blobology” for a reason. The COL could not be convinced that there was an object captured in the photo, never mind a missile system, and certainly not a “SCUD” MAZ-543 Transporter, Erector, Launcher-a huge, 60-foot-long distinctive shaped vehicle.
A point I am belaboring because Tom’s convincing work in his field of expertise may come across as Voodoo or magic that does not and will not resonate with the average human-like the above COL-who is not trained in the discipline of image interpretation, but his ability to relate his methodology is compelling and convincing (and as an aside, the journeyman skillset recognized as a vocation or occupation by the US government called photographic interpreter/interpretation was replaced by image or imagery interpretation in the 1970s when measurement and other non-literal sensors came into the US inventory (i.e., non-electro-optic or photographic) images proliferated like radar and later Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging-LIDAR, as well as Infra-Red, Spectral, Multispectral, and Hyperspectral.)) And-yes-I know some who completed the required skills documentation to qualify for the award of Journeyman in Photographic Interpretation General Services grade skills, knowledge and abilities certification.
The latter sensors-particularly hyperspectral and many forms of measurement and signatures intelligence (MASINT-) rely on the collection from a spectrometer that outputs a signature that is matched to data base categorized signature data to classify and perform detections.
Fortunately, Tom walks the reader through each painful step in his journey to the truth and facts disclosed in the photonic or photographic evidence captured that day in Dealey Plaza.
The methodology is amazing and described in detail as Tom came to confirm that not only were there two gunmen at the wall on the grassy knoll that day in police uniforms, but they both fired weapons nearly simultaneously as if upon command. He also discovered that they fired over the shoulder of an Army soldier mere steps in front of them.
Tom’s definitive effort resulted in the identification of, and subsequent interview with that Army soldier, who was also identified as using a movie camera to film JFK. The interview confirmed the police officers confiscated the camera film.
Tom also identified one of the shooters as Dallas Police Officer J. D. Tippitt.
It is quite likely you have never heard of Nagel, Haslam, Vary and Wilson.
These references are available for those who want to pursue the information and come to their own conclusions.
Far easier is to find The History Channel series on the topic called “The Men Who Killed Kennedy.” Fair warning that many believe they have already seen this series. There are two versions of the series that were released due to lawsuits and pressure that trimmed the final version from 9 to 6 parts.
The most shocking or revealing episodes include the detail about Lyndon Johnson and the allegations in a book written by one of his lawyers who also detailed the infamous “ballot Box 13 election cheating,” and the story about Oswald’s lover Judyth Vary Baker.
The above is all interesting and fascinating information but would hardly constitute information the government would keep from the public for six decades.
No, the government information withheld has to do with government actions too scandalous to be released.
Like what???
Max Dribbler
5 December 2024
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