The Modern Democratic Party is Not “The Loyal Opposition”

As 2024 gives way to 2025, many things will change in these United States of America.

The Executive Branch will be led by Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, and their talented team.

The U.S. Senate and House will both be led by Republican majorities, however slim.

In other words – we will again have undivided governance by the Republican coalition.

This new coalition is under no illusions about the task they face: the Biden-Harris years have been incredibly destructive for the U.S. economy, our foreign policy, and our very culture. Virtually every aspect of our nation has suffered from the moral bankruptcy of the incumbent regime swept out on November 5.

It will take decades to correct the errors and heal the wounds of these past four years, but the incoming administration knows that they have to prove themselves in the next two years – before the midterms – or a fickle electorate may return the culprits to the scene of the crime again.

In parliamentary systems, they talk about the concept of “the loyal opposition” – a minority party that cooperates with the majority where they agree, enunciates the opposing position whenever they disagree, stays united regarding foreign policy, and ensures that the honest minority always has a voice in government. It’s a noble idea.

Unfortunately, the United States – today, at least – do not enjoy such a charming position; the Democrat politicians currently licking their wounds and packing their bags in Washington are neither honorable nor loyal – to either their constituents or their oaths of office.

We are not speaking of the rank and file Democrat voters, here, by the way. Most American Democrat voters are decent folks, desirous of the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution, devoted to the principles of our Founding Fathers; they just don’t realize how far their party’s political class has strayed from those roots.

Whatever their flaws, and yes, they had many, the Democrats’ founders – Jefferson and Jackson, Madison and Monroe – were believers in liberty, advocates of limited government, men of honor.

They would not recognize their party today.

In our Founding Era, both parties believed in America’s future as a vigorous, growing nation of unlimited opportunity. They stood for big, healthy families of patriotic settlers, thriving farms and ranches, manufacturers and retailers popping up everywhere, to serve an exciting nation in its westward expansion – with millions and millions of Americans to populate it.

The Democratic Party’s politicians abandoned both those libertarian principles and the corollary population expansion, generations ago. Today’s Democrat politicians agree on a host of peculiar issues – issues that appear unrelated at first, but which eventually come together, upon thoughtful study, to form one nightmarish worldview all their own.

Even to the extent that most Democrat voters might think they agree with many of these issues, when taken one at a time, they would be horrified to realize what the end result – the unspoken but comprehensive philosophy – of the modern Democrat politician has become.

When you study the issues, one by one, you cannot help but realize that there is only one real goal that virtually all Democrat policies, taken together, have in common:

Population reduction.

The modern Democrat politician is committed to reducing the quality and output of the electric grid – by giving up energy that works, such as coal, oil, gas, and nuclear… and by instead switching to energy methods that simply don’t work – wind and solar – so that the grid can only accommodate an ever-decreasing population. As more traditional power plants are switched to these useless solar panels and windmills (none of which will ever produce as much energy as was expended in their manufacture and installation), factories must shut down, cars must be taken off the streets, the population must shrink. You cannot heat a country of 330 million in the winter, or cool a country of 330 million in the summer, with a landscape of fragile plastic solar panels and enormous temperamental windmills.

The modern Democrat politician – and the bureaucrats, educators and pop culture influencers they control – must encourage sexual libertinism, so they can push every form of birth control (except abstinence, because that one paves the way for marriage), and, ultimately the Democratic Party’s golden goose: taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand. To reduce the number of people, they have to reduce the number of children being conceived, or at least, they have to reduce the number of children allowed to be born.

The modern Democrat politician must therefore agitate for the war on meat, including curtailing the raising of animals for food, such as cattle, pork, and chickens. They claim that the animals’ act of exhaling, or just as insanely, the act of passing gas in the field or barn, will somehow endanger our beloved Planet Earth. Instead of meat, Democrat politicians push for far less nutritious diets by spreading the lie that meat is inherently bad for people. And then they legislate the repurposing of farmland for such ridiculously wasteful projects as the aforementioned windmills and solar panels. Anything to reduce food output – so that the world will have fewer people. That’s the goal. Don’t produce enough for the people to eat, and there will be fewer people. By design.

And they don’t stop there.

The modern Democrat politician constantly works to set such a high tax burden – and a generally high cost of living – that young parents start out their lives together, planning to either be childless or limit themselves to an “affordable sized” family, because they know they could never afford to have five or six or seven children like earlier generations did. Best of all, from the Democrat politician’s perspective: these methods successfully discourage many young people from ever getting married at all; why ever get married if you don’t intend to raise a family together?

Look at the criminal justice system, especially in blue states, most of all in the big Democrat-run cities and counties. Today’s Democrat politicians are opposed to the very concept of prosecuting criminals for their crimes; they constantly provide early release to convicted criminals. They even import criminal gangs – by the thousands – through an utterly destructive national “open borders” policy. All this knowingly, and therefore intentionally, vastly increases the amount of drug abuse, and the number of gang killings, overdoses, and related crimes all over the country. The explosion of violent crime over recent decades is directly tracked to the promulgation of these Democrat policies.

Have you ever heard someone ask, “How can I bring another child into a world like this?”

What they don’t realize as they say that is that this very “world like this” was created specifically to cause them to think of that question.

Consider all the Covid-19 policies that were designed to basically kill off old people, fat people, and sick people. It was Democrat politicians – especially governors like those in New York and Michigan – who illegally, unconstitutionally, locked down their cities, closed their churches and schools, forced nursing homes to room Covid-19 patients with their weakest, most vulnerable elderly patients, in order to spread the illness first to those to whom it would be most lethal. And then they wrote rules banning personal contact at the end of life, so that parents and grandparents would die alone, their children barred from visiting and consoling them and comforting them at the end. Who would want to bring more children into the world if their end is so miserable?

It’s all about discouraging human life. It’s all about undoing the wonderful advances of the past 250 years, and returning to a world in which most human life is again “nasty, brutish and short.”

And it is Democrat politicians – and the bureaucrats they’ve placed in our government – who advocate for the sickest policies of all: taking advantage of the mentally ill, those children and adults suffering from depression or confusion, and then planting the deranged idea in their weak minds, “maybe you’re a mistake; maybe you’re the wrong sex.” Before you know it, they are spending your tax dollars to prescribe puberty blockers and other Frankensteinish hormone therapies, and performing irreversible plastic surgeries, amputating breasts and genitalia, to make boys think they look like girls or to make girls think they look like boys. It doesn’t help at all, of course; it makes their depression, their sense of not belonging, even worse. Infinitely worse. Of course it would. But the main goal has been accomplished: in almost all these cases, the poor confused patients have been rendered sterile for life.

It all adds up. From beginning to end, issue by issue, no matter whether it appears at first sight to be about food or sex or energy or appearance – the ultimate purpose of modern Democrat policy is to reduce the world’s population. The modern Democrat politician is obsessed with either getting people to choose not to reproduce at all, or if they do anyway, to find a way to kill them off.

That’s the modern Democratic Party in a nutshell.

They can never be viewed as “The Loyal Opposition…”

…Unless we acknowledge that the object of their opposition is human life itself.

Copyright 2024 John F Di Leo

John F. Di Leo is a Chicagoland-based international transportation and trade compliance professional and consultant.  President of the Ethnic American Council in the 1980s and Chairman of the Milwaukee County Republican Party in the 1990s, his book on vote fraud (The Tales of Little Pavel) and his political satires on the current administration (Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Volumes III, and III), are available in either eBook or paperback, only on Amazon.

His newest nonfiction book, “Current Events and the Issues of Our Age,” was just released on July 1, and is also available, in both paperback and Kindle eBook, exclusively on Amazon.

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