Congratulations to Brayden Fleming, for helping to squash the notion that males should be allowed to compete in women’s sports!
We have reported previously on Brayden Fleming, the male volleyball player who claims to be a woman calling himself “Blaire”, who competed for San José State University in California. Now, Camden Schreiner, another male who claims to be a female calling himself “Sadie”, and who competed for a NCAA Division III school, is combitching that his desired transfer to a Division I college is being blocked by those meanie-hoonies in collegiate administration:
Trans athlete speaks out against colleges for not offering full scholarship to compete as women’s runner
Sadie Schreiner broke a women’s record earlier this year, inciting mass controversy
by Jackson Thompson | New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2024 | 4:17 PM EST
Transgender NCAA track and field athlete Sadie Schreiner released a social media video complaining about the lack of transfer opportunities for trans athletes in college this year.
Schreiner, who has competed at the Division-III Rochester Institute of Technology, lamented the lack of options that have been presented to trans athletes looking to transfer this year, as 25 U.S. states have enacted laws to prevent trans inclusion in women’s sports.
“Among all the hurdles transfers usually have, there is an extra layer because it is trans, 50% of the country banned me from participating and that meant I couldn’t attend any of those colleges even if they reached out to me with a full ride,” Schreiner said. However, the laws in place wouldn’t bar Schreiner from “attending” those colleges, just from competing on women’s sports teams.
“It also became clear that states that did, no matter how adamant the coaches were to have me on their teams, the college administrations would usually stop them from allowing me to participate.”
If we are to take Mr Schreiner’s word for it, that some coaches were “adamant” to have him on their teams — and if a person lies about his own sex, why would we ever take his word for anything else? — college administrators were blocking a scholarship offer.
To which I say, of course they did!
Look at the controversy over Mr Fleming. Five separate colleges chose to forfeit eight separate times rather than play against SJSU once Mr Fleming’s status was made known. Oh, the administrations at those colleges wanted to sweep the whole thing under the rug, but at least one college, the University of Nevada at Reno, forfeited because the players stood up for real women and refused to play.
Colleges don’t like that kind of publicity! But the final straw might have come when, with the women’s volleyball season over, over half, seven out of thirteen, returning players for SJSU decided to enter the transfer portal, even though Mr Fleming, having exhausted his collegiate eligibility, would not be able to return for the 2025 season. It looks as though he inadvertently aided the cause of keeping men males out of women’s sports, just by showing how disruptive it is.
Earlier that month, Schreiner competed at the Liberty League Championship Meet, and won both the women’s 200m and 400m, breaking the 400m record in the process. Schreiner would have finished last by more than two seconds if the athlete put up the same performance in the men’s competition.
We have previously reported on the numbers that the University of Pennsylvania male-who-claims-to-be-female swimmer, Will “Lia” Thomas, put up, how he smashed meet records, finishing more than half a minute ahead of the second-place swimmer, a real woman, in the 1650 yard freestyle at the Zippy Invitational Event in Akron, Ohio, while in the 500 yard freestyle, the second-place finisher, the first real women’s finisher, had a time which was 7.21 seconds slower than the last place finisher in the men’s event.
Males and females are simply different, in ways that actually make a difference when it comes to sports. Some of our friends on the far left, like Amanda Marcotte, are deathly afraid that admitting that obvious fact somehow makes women inferior to men, but now we’re seeing that it’s not just times on the track or in the pool which are the problem, but the social disruption that males-who-think-they’re-females cause. Mr Fleming was apparently so good in his disguise as a woman that, despite locker rooms and shared accommodations at away games, his own teammates did not know he was transgender, yet the disruption existed once it was exposed.
Despite the severe backlash from the controversy, Schreiner is now seeking more opportunities to compete against women athletes and publicly airing out frustration about a lack of opportunities. But it’s not just the sports issue that Schreiner is speaking out about in regard to trans rights.
I note with some amusement that the Fox News article cited deliberately avoided using any pronouns in referring to Mr Schreiner. 🙂 That avoids the Associated Press Stylebook’s recommendation that the ‘transgendered’ be referred to by the names, honorifics and pronouns they prefer. The Fox News article did not use Mr Schreiner’s real name, which I see as an error.
The question I have asked many times, that no one seems to have tried to answer: if these “transgender women” want to be seen as real women, no different from other women, why do they want to participate in things which blatantly point out that they are different from real women?
On December 20th, the same time that we heard about the SJSU women’s volleyball players hitting the transfer portal, the federal Department of Education withdrew a proposed rule change which would have prevented schools from prohibiting ‘transgender’ athletes from competing in women’s sports, due to the lawsuits to ban males from women’s sports. Without that proposed rule, which the incoming Trump Administration would never promulgate, the issue is left up to the states. What Mr Schreiner is finding out is that, even in those states which are #woke enough to allow males in women’s sports, school administrators are reluctant to go along with it. That doesn’t mean the administrators agree that ‘transgender women’ aren’t women, but that they are looking out for the best interests of their schools. This is a headache that they do not need!
And for that, I give Mr Fleming the credit he is due!
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