The One Thing for 2025

If you do one thing in 205, then accomplish this – read the Holy Bible through. Every page, word, jot, and title. You can read Matthew 5:18 out of sequence for starters – to see one reason for reading the Bible. Read it through because it will change your life. It will make your life better. It can make you better.

You can read it on your own or buy a Bible-in-a-year version. Look online, like the Olive Tree app, for different ways to read it through. Chronologically is interesting, because from Genesis 12 through Revelations 4, with the exception of the book of Job, the Bible aligns with verifiable historical dates.

Look at the great study Bibles – like those by the late Charles Stanley. Get a Concordance to cross check verses and look up specific words. Words that apply to your life. Like hope, fear, anxiety, sickness, death – everything about the human condition. All the things that are mentioned in the Owner’s Manual for Human Beings – also known as the Bible.

I like the 300 day reading option on Olive Tree (not a commercial) among their many free applications. Allows you 60 days to be overcome by events or slack off and still read the Bible through.

The first time you read it through, you may have many questions. You may see incongruencies, conflicts, and some very hard things to read, let alone accept as God’s Word. Around the fourth or fifth time you read it, it may all smooth out as it did for me.

The harsh, bloody, murderous history of the Hebrews makes sense in the context of the times. In the need to preserve a singular identity. In what it takes to make a person, then a family, then a People believe in the only religion on earth at that time based on the monotheism of an unseen God. It was too unbelievable in ancient times.

Just as the Resurrection was unbelievable when the Apostles were gladly martyred for their witness to the supernatural. Frankly, the Resurrection of a 33 year old carpenter from a hick town in a backward region of a rebellious, problem province of the Roman Empire is unbelievable. It’s unprovable. It’s scientifically – to the extent of all scientific knowledge then and now – impossible.

But, making something, let’s call it “the Universe”, from nothing is unbelievable, unprovable, and scientifically impossible. But, here we are.

And the Big Bang Theory which goes back to the origin of the Universe is consistent with the Bible. In fact, if all the matter of the Universe were compressed into energy the size of a man’s thumb, that is roughly the size of a man’s mouth. Like, the one who spoke the Universe into existence saying, “Let there be light.” The Bible points directly at a pre-carnal Jesus – a man-sized Deity – speaking it so.

Linger over the first chapter of the Gospel of John. Connect it to the first chapter of Genesis. That’s just one of the “many silver threads which bind the pages of gold.”

The Bible has themes which track through different authors across many centuries inspired by God to pen Scripture.

Almost every verse speaks to the nature of Man or the nature of God.

When your read the Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – you can graph the Love that leaps from the pages. They stand out from all of the Bible for how much lovingkindness they teach. There’s plenty of love in all places.

The Hebrews are taught to leave the gleaning in the fields for the widow, the orphan, and alien at time when all tribal cultures didn’t recognize others outside of their tribes, like the “alien”, as being human. Or, what ancient god instructs people to not slaughter a calf in front of its mother? Whose god cares about the feelings of a cow?

You can even read the Bible with the aim to disprove it, but your scholarship has to be above the Oxford Professors JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis to succeed. They tried their best as brilliant atheists and became devout Christians.

Finally, if you are an American or a citizen of Western Civilization you must read and know the Holy Bible. America and the West aren’t America and the West without the Bible.

The Great Commission and the Great Experiment in self-governance are the twin helical of American DNA.

America and Western Civilization will not survive and defeat the Islamist Totalitarians without Biblical Christianity instructing, educating, empowering, encouraging, emboldening to victory.

Likewise, the elites who rule as Human Secularist Totalitarians allied with the Muslims to destroy Western Civilization can’t be removed and replaced by a godless People. There’s no moral standing to make the weak strong and fear neither punishment, imprisonment, or death.

The godless CCP won’t be defeated by godless enemies.

Regardless of how the world turns, read the Bible to see where you fit in. How the Creator of the Universe knows you, cares about you, and actually loves you.

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