Archbishop Of Canterbury

     Since the topic came up, recently, about the Church of England, I feel compelled to add my observations. What has been going on, lately, started before I was born, and it has been causing concern for decades. To try to avoid misunderstandings, the Church of England is a group of many diverse churches under …

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My View About Biden.

    My View About Biden. With all the usual trappings of what we still claim as a constitutional republic, maybe we do still have, maybe we don’t, I offer what I see as what we should have been doing all along, should be rigorously defending all those things that our Founders put in those two beautiful …

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Elections And War

     Elections and war; Whose rules does a successful military use to win battles? Is it the enemy’s rules? I’m asking because some seem to think, in politics, that we should play by the opponent’s rules.      Someone, somewhere else, came up with the idea that we should begin to march as our opponents …

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Making Good Arguments

Time For The NFA To Fall

     I’ve seen and heard all the lame defensive arguments and responses to when Lunch Bucket Joe cries “Ban Assault Weapons!” People just start playing their cards like morons and start defending inarguable positions, like “A semi-automatic rifle fires one bullet with each pull of the trigger”, and they always miss the fact that that …

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Joshua And Judges

     Joshua and Judges. We fight in wars for a variety of reasons, some justified and some not. A lot of weight should be placed on justification when often, wars are fought solely to distract, or to take something, like land. All countries that engage in warring against other countries do it for the …

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Janet Yellen Wrote A Letter

     Warning that if the debt limit is not increased, by around Thursday, bad things would begin to happen, and they affect you and I, because the government is going to protect itself, not you and I. Besides, the government has never protected you and I, nor could it ever. That was always an illusion, …

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Frames, Receivers, Bump Stocks, Suppressors. What Else?

Gift From the Supreme Court

     Not long ago, very recently, in fact, a federal court was given the job of deciding whether or not bump stocks are machine guns. I could have told them, and it should not have ever been a problem deciding the case. Well, through the wisdom of the judge, and the ignorance and sloppiness of …

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When Will We Learn?

     It is looking like we may never learn, until the day comes that the Constitution and the flag get replaced by those evil ones, who only seek power over us, finally succeed. And they are very close to succeeding! There are people among our ranks who will spend every waking moment trying to pin …

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Bump Stocks Are Okay Again, But Illinois Tees up an AWB

     At least now, your finger is safe from gun legislation, because you’ve always been able to mimick a machine gun with a belt loop on your britches, with one finger through the belt loop and another on the trigger, both from the same hand while loosely supporting your semi automatic rifle. What the 5th …

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