Why Don’t You Run For Office?
Two weeks after hearing that question from a close friend, I was standing in the county clerk’s office filing my paperwork to run for county commissioner.
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
Two weeks after hearing that question from a close friend, I was standing in the county clerk’s office filing my paperwork to run for county commissioner.
The left now believes that systemic “racism,” whatever that is, is now infecting cemeteries.
Using the leftist (and bogus) concept of “proportionality” in a nation’s foreign policy, is a surefire way for that country to lose wars.
A Good Run Spoiled; How the Boy Scouts of America, a once storied organization, has become ground zero in the decline of American culture and values.
Nikki Haley isn’t a principled conservative Republican. Her support for conservative principles is that of political convenience.
For conservatives, one of the biggest disappointments over the past few decades of political evolution in America is the consistent inability of the GOP to clearly and strongly articulate and pursue an agenda that reflects conservative principles. Even when a strong conservative President, e.g., Ronald Reagan, takes the helm, there are always more than a …
Star Chambers Coming for Your Children. Washington & Minnesota, have already legalized the kidnapping and mutilation of children without parental consent
Thanks to the Biden administration, left-wing politicians and prosecutors across America, this country is experiencing a serious increase in violent crime.
Trump’s latest poll numbers plainly indicate he is an asset; but polls cannot account for fraud and media bias. Nor can they account for irrational hatred.
The military has become its own worst enemy as it attempts to deal with shortfalls in recruiting and motivated men who can win a bayonet fight in Fallujah.
Last night, my spouse called out to me to come upstairs from my basement lair and watch TV with her. Normally, that is a request I might normally have dodged, but since Marquette and Baylor had just destroyed my bracket, I decided to go see what cooking show, HGTV special, or “Housewives” episode had caught …
The sharks are circling Donald Trump, but unlike the normal scenario in which all the sharks are democrat operatives, DNC shills, or left-wing media, the sharks threatening Trump now are entirely of his own making. Frankly, if Trump’s political career is to go down in flames it will be better for the country if his …
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.” That pithy and cynical quote is attributed to Winston Churchill, but Rahm Emmanuel resurrected it during the Obama administration by saying “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” Now, it has become a standing policy with the DNC. Absent a real crisis, Democrats and their …
Because history is now considered racist by leftists, and they dominate public education, few Americans know or remember the history of their own country.
Pity poor LeBron James. Despite being one of the richest people on planet earth, he lives in fear.
Most conservatives are still quite unaware just how far down the rabbit hole the denizens of the woke Hollywood crowd have taken us.
Widely available birth control and for a time, abortion on demand, has contributed to a culture of sex without consequence. Is that really female equality?
Contrails, Chemtrails and Rabbit Holes are visible evidence of a government plot, a conspiracy, to poison the entire planet.
Hallmark has decided that it is no longer the channel for just traditional family entertainment and has instead, embraced perverse behaviors.
American wimpy parenting is having and will continue to have drastic consequences for their children and the future of America.