The Democrat Party is a Single-Issue Movement: Death

It is now abundantly clear… illegal immigration, gun control, transgenderism, DEI. These may seem to be important issues to the Democrats. But the reality is simple: the Democrats have become a single-issue Party, and that issue is abortion. Plain old-fashioned baby-killing… and they don’t care that you see it that way.

Empty Suit Presidents

That Uncle Joe is an empty suit with no brain is visible for all to see. Even then, some, like one of my historian colleagues, continued to make excuses for him (“he’s just tired,” he said). But even the Left finally had to admit that Joe had to go.

For the Left it’s All About Baby Killing


In my experience with politics over the last 40 years, I have learned that it doesn’t matter how good a person is on many of the issues. If they are for outright baby killing (euphemistically called abortion and via propaganda called “prochoice”), that individual, when the chips are down, will go against every other fundamental right to protect baby killing.