Democrat Mismanagement

Democrats are notorious for mismanaging taxpayer funds. The Biden administration wasted over half a trillion dollars in its first two years due to “improper payments,” according to an audit of federal data conducted by Open The Books. Data collected by the Office of Management and Budget revealed that at least $528 billion was improperly paid …

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Education Inflation

Like many people I am guilty of helping cause education inflation. I have looked to see what education a person had in spite of the fact that I was seeking an employee with technical skills. We as an American society have pushed for everyone to not only complete high school but also to get a …

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Why Are We Paying Able-Bodied Men To Not Work

Pajama Boy, An Insufferable Man-Child - POLITICO Magazine

I was just reading the US labor report for 2022. Did you know that there are over 7,000,000 men age 25-45 who have quit their jobs and live off of government benefits since 2019? Also, I see that there were 779,000 jobs posted just last month. Why? We are paying able-bodied men…to NOT work. There is a …

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Biden Totally Wrecks Ukraine Response

President Biden, President Putin

It has been 11 months since Russia invaded Ukraine; When it became clear that Putin was contemplating an invasion of the Ukraine, Biden misplayed all of his cards.  Instead of calling Putin’s bluff and sending as much military assistance to Ukraine as quickly as possible, Biden basically invited the Russian dictator to take the northeast portion …

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Dr Fauci is Merely a Symptom of Our Decline as a Nation

Listening to Dr Fauci testimony to Congress was an interesting discussion. My take and speaking as a scientist I find that science is for sale. Having been in the science industry for many years (Since 1978) in fact science is an industry in want of funding. Unfortunately, we have brilliant people doing scientific work they …

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Yes Mr. President, We Are In A Recession

The Biden administration says that we are not in a recession. Historically, two consecutive quarters of negative GDP is the criteria for a recession.  Perhaps the President may be correct except for the fact we have, “Seven Recession Red Flags Waving Right Now!” Besides this pattern there are other red flags pointing to a further …

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