SCOTUS: Texas Police Given Go-Ahead to Arrest Illegal Aliens

On Tuesday, the United States Supreme Court gave the state of Texas the go-ahead to implement a new law allowing Texas law enforcement to arrest illegal aliens. While Texas has no authority to deport the illegals, Texas judges will be able to issue deportation orders and Texas law enforcement will presumably turn them over to …

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Minarchy and Corruption

There’s been a lot of hooraw in the news lately about the Biden family’s corrupt dealings, but we shouldn’t forget to pay attention to some of the other perennial heroes of the Left; this time it’s the daffy old Bolshevik from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, he of the three mansions, who is in the crooked-dealings spotlight. …

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Russia v Ukraine: Russia’s Failures in Logistics

The Russia v Ukraine dust-up is continuing apace, and Vladimir “Yes I’m former KGB” Putin has made a rare admission – that the Russian Army is running out of modern equipment.  Business Insider has the news: Russian President Vladimir Putin has admitted that the Russian military needs to modernize its weapons if it is to …

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