Welcome Fellow Traveler, Max Knight

As we’ve noted in the past. American Free News Network is all about educating Americans, providing those same Americans an uncensored voice and along the way, growing the conservative movement. One of the ways we do that, is to associate ourselves with other individuals and organizations whom we believe share our value set. If you …

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Great News! Move Complete!


We have some great news! Thanks to the stellar work by our Webmeister and all-around computer guru, Anthony, American Free News Network has been successfully moved to a new web hosting service. Some of you may have already noticed the faster responses. We are sorry for the interruption in service and will be rapidly uploading …

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Server Issues


AFNN is experiencing some intermittant server issues with our web hosting service. These issues are causing users to have to “click” multiple times before accessing some pages. We are working to resolve the issues. We appreciate your support and your patience.   Ed Total0 Truth Social Facebook Twitter Gettr

Justice Clarence Thomas – A Judicial Gem

Supreme Court

Justice Clarence Thomas is in the news again and for all the right reasons.  He’s defending our Constitutionally protected rights and angering the right people, libs.