The Zenith of the Green New Scam; The dire predictions and vast benefits haven’t panned out

The computerized climate models from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia and other institutions laid the “scientific” foundation for the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming theory that has led to the subsequent 30+ years of climate hysteria and a politicization of the study of the weather and climate in general. The result …

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Harris Announced Plans For “Holistic” Housing To Trap Americans In Digital Gulags

Harris Announced Plans For "Holistic" Housing To Trap Americans In Digital Gulags

Allow me to translate Harris’s “holistic word salad:” Harris/Walz will be continuing the United Nations and Biden/Harris’s plan to take away Americans’ cars and force us into 15-Minute Cities.

The Climate Cult: Worshipping at the Altar of Gaia

Welcome to the 21st century, where a huge portion of the planet has unwittingly joined an ancient pagan religion. Yes, folks, we are witnessing the resurgence of earth worship, and climate change is its dogma. Forget about reasoned debate or scientific discourse—this modern cult demands nothing less than full submission and a lifetime of penance …

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More Welfare for the Well-to-Do


If you watch the Weather Channel, whenever one of the bad winter storms hits, or hurricanes, tropical storms, etc, you’ll see that they always have a graphic showing how many “customers” are without power. Customers does not equal people, but residential and commercial units consuming power. As ’empty nesters,’ we count as one customer, but …

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