When Family Members Play Heroes of the Soviet Union

Pavel Trofimovich Morozov (Па́вел Трофи́мович Моро́зов) was a supposed hero of the Soviet Union: In 1932, at the age of 13, Morozov reported his father to the political police (GPU). Supposedly, Morozov’s father, Trofim, the chairman of the Gerasimovka Village Soviet, had been “forging documents and selling them to the bandits and enemies of the …

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The Democrat Party is a Single-Issue Movement: Death

It is now abundantly clear… illegal immigration, gun control, transgenderism, DEI. These may seem to be important issues to the Democrats. But the reality is simple: the Democrats have become a single-issue Party, and that issue is abortion. Plain old-fashioned baby-killing… and they don’t care that you see it that way.