The Gate of the Year
It’s still January, and even though we’re “resting in the Lord” (Psalm 37:7), we may still need inspiration to make it until Spring.
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
It’s still January, and even though we’re “resting in the Lord” (Psalm 37:7), we may still need inspiration to make it until Spring.
January–the worst month of the year. Christmas is still 11 months away, and the skies are cloudy all day.
Genesis 3:15, often called the “Protoevangelium,” is a foundational verse in Christian theology, announcing the first glimmer of hope after humanity’s fall into sin.
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? Do you keep them? If you do, you’re in the minority. But God keeps all of His resolutions. You can count on it!
Gabriel says that the appointed/anointed leader [Jesus] will stop the offerings and sacrifices…that He will appoint a most holy place [Himself]. And Jesus did this.
In recent years, there has been a good deal of exposition – particularly on social media – taking issue with the date on which we celebrate Christmas.
It’s almost Christmas. Stop rushing. Take a deep breath. Allow yourself to slow down and remember what the season is about.
On Christmas night in 2010, in Iraq our base came under heavy attack from insurgents who launched 92 rockets, reportedly of Iranian origin dating back to the 1970s.
The Grinch was right! Christmas doesn’t come from a store. It comes from focusing on the reason that we celebrate.
The popular Christmas song, O Holy Night, was once declared “unfit for church services” in France! It was later embraced by the American abolitionist movement and it continues to be one of the best-loved songs of the season.
This series of posts rests on what God says in Daniel 9 and is extracted from the texts of Revelation the Fair God, The Great Harvest of the Post-Allah World as well as The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire and the biblical references therein.
Happy Sunday! The thought for today; We are all living on a pale blue dot, a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
Emerging from the depths of despair can feel like stepping into a new world.
So much of the holiday season is spent in a hurry as we do our level best to create perfect Christmas memories. This year, let’s try to simplify the Christmas trappings and concentrate on the real meaning of the season.
While I cannot say that I am friends with His Excellency, the Most Reverend John Stowe, O.F.M. Conv., Bishop of Lexington, we are at least acquainted with each other. The Bishop at least recognizes me when he sees me, though I cannot be certain he remembers my name. We have had some pleasant conversations the …
Advent is the waiting period before the birth of Jesus Christ. Even as we’re caught up in the excitement of the Christmas season, let’s take time to remind ourselves about the real meaning of Christmas–Christ.
Depression can make us loathe our lives, wishing for an end to the pain. The truth is, this struggle is not new—humans have wrestled with despair for thousands of years.
Thanksgiving is generally acknowledged as the beginning of the holiday season. Are you up for a challenge?
Sweden’s open-border experiment has turned into a cautionary tale of unchecked immigration and cultural dilution.
Ready or not, the holidays are upon us, and it’s time to give thanks. Although we Americans have celebrated Thanksgiving off and on since the autumn of 1621, Thanksgiving did not become a federal holiday until 1870