The Biden Administration Easily Demonstrates How to Destroy an Economy

The easy answer on how to destroy the U.S. economy is to do what Biden and the Democrats are doing now. A longer answer is to flagrantly violate the laws of economics – even those taught at the most liberal universities. The most comprehensive way to destroy an economy is, simply, to act counter to commonsense and every historical precedent for all of recorded history.

Communist China’s 4-7 August 2022 Exercise Off Taiwan; Chinese Saber Rattling and Intimidation by Captain Carl O. Schuster, US Navy Retired

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) just conducted a multi-day coordinated “exercise” in six locations that effectively surrounded Taiwan, which Beijing claimed was in response to US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s brief visit to Taipei on 2 August.

Inflation Reduction Act, Manchin and Sinema. Hope I’m wrong. I’m not!

I keep hearing about a certain amount of funding in this “Inflation Fighting” bill, an amount that increases the IRS budget to the tune of 12 times its existing annual budget. What is very interesting about the bill is it funds what amounts to a military arm of the IRS. Thousands of IRS agents, if …

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Thomas Paine

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, …

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When Joe Caved to Joe: The Real Manchin Con

Joe Manchin

Upset and disappointed, many felt betrayed when Senator Joe Manchin cut a deal with ultra-left-wing colleague Chuck Schumer and created the laughably named “Inflation Reduction Act.” Yet anyone thus aggrieved should consider a simple fact: As of June 2 of last year, Manchin had voted with Joe Biden 100 percent of the time.

January 6, The Jig Is Up, by Ray DiLorenzo

The January 6 demonstrations have been pushed hard onto the front pages of every legacy newspaper and TV network in the country.  Except for only a few exceptions, the Left has control of their content.  Because of that, Jan. 6 has long since ceased to show any proportionality.  It has been compared to Pearl Harbor, 9/11, The French Revolution, even the rise of Hitler.

WARNING: China Poised to Invade Taiwan’s Offshore Islands

Quemoy and Matsu, officially known as the Kinmen and Lienchiang Counties respectively, are groups of islands located directly off the coast of mainland Communist China, but are under the administration of the Republic of China, Taiwan. In the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis, also called the 1958 Taiwan Strait Crisis, the People’s Republic of China shelled …

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It’s Long Past Time to Hold Our Elected Officials Accountable

I’m shifting with this article to a more tactical focus on the 2022 midterm elections.  To be honest I, like many others, have become rather skeptical of the integrity of our election process, as both anecdotal and empirical evidence has continued to mount that suggests that U.S. election tampering not only reached an all-time high …

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Anthropogenic Global Warming: Existential Threat or Phony Science?

The guy posing as president recently declared that “climate change” is now an existential threat (again) and he must take immediate action because the congress has had no success with passing more legislation to deal with this crisis. It’s a “clear and present danger” his teleprompter tells him, and he “won’t take no for an answer”.