Diane Reviews Matt Walsh’s Movie “Am I Racist?”

Diane Reviews Matt Walsh's Movie "Am I Racist?"

We laughed until we bawled as Matt’s assistant wheeled his “Uncle Frank” into the “Do The Work” Workshop and placed him in front of the attendees, apparently all white, who had paid money to be told how horrible white people are. Matt told the class that his uncle, 20 years ago, had told a “racist” joke …

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Living Behind Enemy Lines, Tale #6: Child Abuse In Portland Schools

Pushing sexual perversions in Portland Middle Schools.

Portland’s school children are being abused emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even physically in some cases.   Rochelle’s kids experienced this at both a public & a private school.  This mother’s story in her own words: “My daughter attended Portland Public School for her first two years, kindergarten and first grade.  My son was in preschool in …

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Living Behind Enemy Lines In Seattle: Tale #5

Living Behind Enemy Lines In Seattle

This is the fifth in my series of what it is like for Normal Americans to be trapped within the insanity of Democrat-ruined cities. Currently, 88% of Seattle’s registered voters are Democrats.  This percentage has gone up in the last two decades, as the city has declined into a cesspool.  In her own words, Christine talks about …

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Living Behind enemy Lines Tale #4: Rescuing His Grandsons From BLM Mob


This is the fourth tale in a series about what it is like for sane Americans to live in cities & states run by insane politicians & voters. Sam has watched the insanity up close for decades:  “People on the right, especially conservative politicians, keep talking about the residents of Democrat hellholes as if they …

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