Diane Reviews Matt Walsh’s Movie “Am I Racist?”

Diane Reviews Matt Walsh's Movie "Am I Racist?"

We laughed until we bawled as Matt’s assistant wheeled his “Uncle Frank” into the “Do The Work” Workshop and placed him in front of the attendees, apparently all white, who had paid money to be told how horrible white people are. Matt told the class that his uncle, 20 years ago, had told a “racist” joke …

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For the Left it’s All About Baby Killing


In my experience with politics over the last 40 years, I have learned that it doesn’t matter how good a person is on many of the issues. If they are for outright baby killing (euphemistically called abortion and via propaganda called “prochoice”), that individual, when the chips are down, will go against every other fundamental right to protect baby killing.

America In Decline as It Pursues Perfection

I saw a t-shirt the other day that gave me a chuckle. It read: “I may be old, but I saw the USA before it went to sh**.” It stopped being funny when I thought about the differences between 20th and 21st century America.