Hillary Exposed: Et Tu Barry? (Part 8)
A Little Ditty About Renegade and Evergreen*, Two Politicians (Trying the Best that they can) or Magicians Who Make Things Disappear and Employ Squirrel Tactics
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
A Little Ditty About Renegade and Evergreen*, Two Politicians (Trying the Best that they can) or Magicians Who Make Things Disappear and Employ Squirrel Tactics
In a speech that really needed to move the needle on President Joe Biden’s tanking approval numbers, his Adderall-fueled State of the Union address was filled with gaffes, lies and most significantly, his stubborn refusal to abandon his administration’s dangerous policies.
A Little Ditty About Renegade and Evergreen*, Two Politicians (Trying the Best that they can) or Magicians Who Make Things Disappear and Employ Squirrel Tactics
Don’t be fooled by hollow words tonight. We are experiencing inflation of geometric proportions- worse than we experienced while Jimmy Carter got bit by a rabbit at THE WHITEHOUSE.
The history of testing unwitting humans in Massachusetts has a far earlier history. In 1896, Dr. Arthur Wentworth wanted to know if conducting spinal taps on babies would be harmful, so he just went ahead and conducted 29 of them without the knowledge or consent of their parents.
There is one phrase that sticks out in my mind concerning Hurricane Katrina, the category 5 hurricane that struck New Orleans, LA head on in 2005, ‘Don’t get stuck on stupid.’ LTG Russel Honoré was in charge of 22,000 troops deployed to assist with the recovery effort in LA. A nagging reporter …
For any wise, responsible readers who went to bed and didn’t stay up way too late to watch the Virginia governor results come in, let me tell you about it. I kept Glenn Youngkin’s election night party streaming while I updated the results and read and listened to the commentary. At 11 pm, Youngkin’s party …
Bartholow wanted to see if the mapping of human brains corresponded with the mapping of animal brains. He did this by using a pair of electrolytic needles inserted into the dura mater surrounding the brain and underlying tissue and applying low levels of electric current.
On Sunday I wrote about “7 Horrific Experiments U.S. Scientists Conducted on We The People and Their Final Solution.” I thought, OK, done. It’s a bleak topic and clearly using humans as guinea pigs in seven experiments is seven too many, but I’ve brought attention to the subject and can move on, right? Then a reader …
Let’s review: 1. 1858: New York prison systems administer shower baths to unruly “negro” prisoners. What’s a shower bath, you ask. It’s essentially waterboarding, but in a seated position. Torturers of old apparently lacked the finesse of today’s torturers, not understanding how backing off was more detrimental to the victim because of the lingering fear. …
There are only two states with governor elections this November: New Jersey and Virginia. Surprising no one, it looks like New Jersey will re-elect their Democratic Governor. The Virginia race, however, is looking to be much closer. The Virginia race is between the previous governor, Terry McAuliffe (D), and the Republican candidate, Glen Youngkin, who …
If you are a veteran, if you prefer rural living to urban, if you own guns—even if you don’t access the VA—if you’re even suspected of being at risk for suicide, you WILL be surveilled, if you’re not being surveilled already.
Whether by plan, by necessity, or a combination of both, the NRA feeds a movement that’s bigger than itself.
As Jose N. Harris said, “A Veteran is someone, who at one point in their life, wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America for an amount up to, and including, their life. Regardless of personal or political views, there are way too many people in this country who no longer remember …
This primer on Artificial Intelligence will get you up to speed on technology that’s available now and technology that’s fast approaching. Where do China, Russia and the U.S. stand on AI development?
So what did our country do in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Yes, they used biometric data—fingerprints, iris scans, gait, smell, DNA, speech patterns, how you interact with the land, what your daily patterns predict about your future behavior, and more—to tag and track bad guys.