Screw Up-Move Up: The Continuing Promotion Of And Lack Of Accountability For Kabul’s Failed Generals Hint: I know some of them.

Afghanistan was such a disaster not only due to the preventable loss of thirteen brave Americans at the Abbey Gate but also because of the message of weakness heard around the world.

Our Toddlers in DC Need Consequences, Not More Oversight

We know what ethical legal behavior looks like. And yet Alvin Bragg and Juan Merchan violated their oaths, the Constitution, and New York ethical standards with complete impunity. The system created to regulate their behavior failed – not from a lack of oversight – but from a lack of accountability.

Responsibility and Accountability Part 4: The Judiciary and Accountability

A close-up of gears Description automatically generated

This is Part 4 of a series on accountability and responsibility. As the graphic shows, the two should work together, but can but can get jammed. But often the two are divorced, or at least separated, in this case, by Judicial Review and life-time appointments.

Is Article V the Solution to Our FBI Problem?

FBI/DOJ seal

Conducting an Article V convention, and obtaining ratification of proposals, would be a herculean effort. But getting 38 states to agree with the necessity of imposing accountability on Washington, seems much more achievable than attempting to use the federal government to take corrective action on the federal government.