#AntiSemitism at Columbia University

How can (supposedly) educated administrators be so calm and complacent about it? Catholics the world over have just completed a series of liturgical readings from the Gospel of John, and Gospel readings at Sunday Mass now come from Mark. But the Gospel of John is disturbing in its language, with its frequent reference to “the …

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Antisemitism not only sanctioned, but rewarded on many college campuses

College administrators across the country would be wise to follow the example set by Florida’s universities last week in dealing with the anti-Israel student protests on their own campuses. The Tallahassee Democrat reported that Florida State University campus police, citing FSU regulation 2.007, which “prohibits camping on university lands,” made students “take down a handful …

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Another Deep-Pockets Ivy League Donor Tells the Pro-Hamas Students to Go to Hell

Go directly to Hell, do not pass Go, do not collect $2,000,000! We noted, on Thursday, that despite the noisy pro-Palestinian demonstrations on our college campuses and in large cities, only about 20% of Democrats support Hamas, and that, even surveying only those in the 18-to-24-year-old age bracket, Hamas enjoyed less support than Israel. The …

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