Reforming The ODNI And The National Intelligence Community: A Strategic Imperative For The 21st Century
We Spend More Money On The IC Than Ever And Continue To Suffer Embarrassing Intelligence Failures: And We May Be Just Warming Up
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We Spend More Money On The IC Than Ever And Continue To Suffer Embarrassing Intelligence Failures: And We May Be Just Warming Up
The Biden-Harris administration has been conducting what amounts to a scorched earth policy since Kamala Harris and the Democrats were routed by President Trump and the Republicans on Election Day 2024.
When comparing the average intelligence of soldiers in the U.S., Russian, and Chinese militaries, it’s important to note that intelligence is not easily reduced to a single metric.
The World is on fire. This conflagration is a direct the result of poor leadership by President Biden and VP Harris along with their inability to understand and manage the fundamentals of National Power to our nation’s benefit.
The Hidden Threat: The Dangers of Decades of Chinese Communist Party Infiltration and Intellectual Property Theft in American Universities Over the past few decades, the infiltration of American institutions by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has emerged as a significant threat to national security. The strategic placement of Chinese students and spies in universities across …
China’s strategic aggression towards the United States goes far beyond mere economic competition—it embodies a multifaceted approach deeply rooted in 5th generation warfare tactics.
Beginning in 1979 China tried to control their unwieldy population by curtailing birth rates … and learned a generation later that there were not enough young people to replace/care-for the workers/retirees.
Former President Donald Trump has promised to increase levies on Chinese EVs that would virtually preclude them from the U.S.
In case anybody in Washington is interested—and that includes our feckless, unwitting president—China is at war with America.
The news on Monday morning was dominated by stories of an economic recovery by Red China, of a recession that the U.S. press had largely ignored.
The legacy media excoriates President Trump for ordering the CIA to run an influence operation against China. Good. We created the CIA to do such things.
While a simultaneous attack on both Taiwan and Japan may seem like a drastic escalation, such a scenario aligns with China’s overarching goals
In late January 2024, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta testified before Congress on the threats from China.
Our generals and admirals and SES politicians took their eye off the ball and wrecked our Military starting in 2001.
Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Duke Woodhull opines that Xi believes that a blustering, threatening approach will so thoroughly discourage Taiwan’s potential defenders, that a fully-mobilized invasion of Taiwan will not even be required.
China’s Social Credit System, introduced to “enhance social trust and regulate behavior,” has sparked widespread discussions on its implications for citizens’ lives.
The history of Christian communities in China is marked by government-led suppression, where the Chinese authorities have sought to control and limit the religious practices of Christians.
China is the Clear Winner in the Israeli-Hamas War and the Biden administration laid the groundwork for the win.
The U.S. is now paying the price for not understanding the strategic relationship among Russia, China and Iran and their interconnectedness.
Throughout history, the idea of man playing God has often led to unforeseen consequences, and the case of the communist government in China serves as a stark reminder of this perilous path.