Republicans; Principle or Power
Anyone who is qualified to vote can affiliate with the Republican Party and call themselves a “Republican.” There is no test or oath, just check a box and you are in.
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
Anyone who is qualified to vote can affiliate with the Republican Party and call themselves a “Republican.” There is no test or oath, just check a box and you are in.
Louisiana is one example of a state dominated by Republicans, yet the track record of their elected representatives is somewhat less than conservative.
n 2024 there is a new American Majority that can sweep the senile political grifter-in-chief out of power and prevent Obama’s 4th term of control.
There has been a shift in the American political spectrum and this is my attempt to break down how it shifted & why it happened.
Few companies have embraced wokeness with as much zeal as Disney. The company has leaped headlong into America’s culture war to become one of the most activist corporations in the U.S. Disney management’s public battle with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over the state’s “Parental Rights in Education” bill – which critics disingenuously call the “Don’t …