Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste
Our American way of life has been significantly (and perhaps permanently) hamstrung by the likes of people claiming to want to “keep us safe.”
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
Our American way of life has been significantly (and perhaps permanently) hamstrung by the likes of people claiming to want to “keep us safe.”
We have mentioned, many times before, how the COVID-19 panicdemic — and no, that’s not a typographical error; ‘panic’ is exactly what this has all been about — has promoted fear far more than combatting the virus. Though he was talking about national security rather than the virus, Glenn Greenwald got it absolutely right when …
Greetings my fellow Americans! In Part 1 of this article, I highlighted governmental and large private corporate behavior observed during the COVID-19 pandemic which introduced, and/or reinforced, notions of corruption and collusion within and between these entities. In this Part 2, I’d like to share some thoughts about the public’s reaction and conduct as this …
We as a society rely on too many experts…that aren’t.
Hypochondria–1. The conviction that one is or is likely to become ill, often involving symptoms when illness is neither present nor likely, and persisting despite reassurance and medical evidence to the contrary.
Mental glitches happen to everyone and are understandably freaky, but aren’t necessarily a sign of cognitive decline. President Joe Biden, is quite another matter.
Chinese Fear-mongering about COVID-19 Must be Countered. CCP fear-mongering about their virus is relentless but can be countered through focused efforts.
One man’s journey through the Wuhan China virus and our broken, politicized medical system.
… And conditioning people to obey the authoritarians
We always talk about October surprises in election years. Maybe we need to start thinking about surprises from China instead.
Each shutdown day after May Day, Trump’s support drops a notch. He was conned by the Big Government Doctors. He said, ‘Two very smart people came into my office’. Though unnamed, we know who.”