National Intelligence Folly: How a Tragic Unsolved Murder Led to Billions of Dollars of Program Fraud, Waste and Abuse Part 29: A Crappy People Problem

There is an Old School Economics Saying that When Unemployment Goes Below ~5%, There are a lot of People Working Who Can’t Reach the Pedals. We have Some Crappy People Working for Us

National Intelligence Folly: How a Tragic Unsolved Murder Led to Billions of Dollars of Program Fraud, Waste and Abuse Part 22: Twenty Years and Counting Since the GAP Study Reported Out

It was 20 years ago (18 October 2002) the Director of Central Intelligence was briefed on the results of his tasker to the National Reconnaissance Office and the National Imagery and Mapping Agency to assess the NRO Future Imagery Architecture Program and determine the risk for a gap in intel capability due to its schedule delays.