The Stasi State In Action: The Flynn Documentary-the Railroading Of LTG Michael T. Flynn, US Army (Ret) And His Son: Obama And His Swampy Deep State Liars Perform a Takeout

Michael Flynn And His Teams Saved Thousands Of America’s Children From Maiming And Death In Our 21st Century Never Ending Conflicts: Our Government Rewarded Him With The “Jack Boot”

The Deepest Part of the Swamp The FBI

FBI Badge

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was once considered the greatest investigative organization in the world.  Their investigative talents and reputation were unparalleled. The mission, as stated on their website, is to ‘protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.’ And they did.  They were men and women in white shirts, clean, …

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Report: Aides Steer Clear of Discussing Hunter’s Legal Woes with Biden

According to a new CNN report, President Joe Biden is so triggered by the media coverage swirling around his son that aides are refusing to even broach the topic with him. The president is said to be ‘obsessed’ with and ‘irritated’ by the press reports. Well, what parent wouldn’t be? Especially when House investigators have …

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BREAKING: DOJ Appeals Doughty’s Injunction Ruling

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Defendant’s lawyers file appeal to overturn Injunction which barred them from conducting further communications with Tech Platforms One day after Judge Doughty granted the plaintiff’s request for a preliminary injunction on the Biden Administration and others named in the suit, the Defendant’s lawyers filed an appeal to overturn the ruling which barred them from conducting …

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Bill Barr Mistakes Chaos for Disruption

Bill Barr inherited a very afflicted Department of Justice, in which the cancer had metastasized throughout all of its organs. His DOJ needed disruption, but he allowed it to continue unimpeded on its path of two-tiered justice and violation of the Constitution.

This is end of republic stuff and America can’t survive it

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The Durham investigation has concluded what most of us knew all along. There was no legal basis for the FBI’s 2016 probe into the Trump campaign or the Mueller investigation that followed. It was all a lie. The FBI, once a highly-revered American institution, teamed up with the Hillary Clinton campaign to (try to) rig …

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