Truth is the First Casualty of…Unchecked Power

Three years after the US’s catastrophic run from Afghanistan, most Americans have no clue what happened. No one has stood up and taken responsibility. Five years after the killings that triggered Black Lives Matter (BLM) most Americans do not really understand what happened and the surrounding circumstances. Even more recently, most of us do not …

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#AntiSemitism at Columbia University

How can (supposedly) educated administrators be so calm and complacent about it? Catholics the world over have just completed a series of liturgical readings from the Gospel of John, and Gospel readings at Sunday Mass now come from Mark. But the Gospel of John is disturbing in its language, with its frequent reference to “the …

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Navigating Generosity and Legacy: The Conundrum of the Post-9/11 GI Bill’s Transferability Clause

Among the Post 9-1-1 G.I. Bill provisions, was a transferability clause, allowing service members to transfer their unused education benefits to their spouses or children in exchange for agreeing to serve additional time in the military.